[b] Matt-Outpost-Rudy/"Thomas" [/b] Matt sat there quietly thinking to himself, minding his own business of how he should interfere with other people's business when Rudy sat down next to him. Matt made a disappointed face when Rudy brought up the fact the fact that outpost was all over the place. Matt was of course...planning to fix that, or worsen it. He wasn't exactly sure yet. "Being able to stop mutiny apparently doesn't add up to also being to be actually smart. Tsk," Matt arched his head back in annoyance. Suddenly, Thomas slid his chair into the conversation and started to talk...about how people are talking. Matt actually hadn't had too much conversation with Thomas since he joined the outpost shortly ago. On the outside he seemed normal enough. But Matt knew there was something was wrong...he felt like there was something hidden, whether that would be good or bad for Matt was yet to fold out. Matt frowned slightly when Rudy mention the fact that they were his scouts. "Pff, please, when does that moral code ever stand up?" Matt turned his head to Thomas as he asked Matt was going on. "Well, uh....Thomas. You possible joined on the worst possible time..." Or the best, If Thomas was that sort of man. "Hmm, Many things are going on here Thomas. Whether you want to know what's really going on. That's up for you, and whether....You want to add to what what's going on. That's up to you too" Matt smirked as he turned his head to Rudy. "That counts for you too, but I'm sure you already know a bit" Matt chuckled as he lowered his head to the table. "Seriously though, things will be changing soon, You can't have two figure heads with rather misguided views. Even if both of them have a good idea, and one of them I approve of..." Matt glanced at Elliot. He did seem pissed. Matt knew sign language, but he never really talked with Elliot. Mainly because he didn't want people to know he knew sign language. Also he didn't have much to talk about. But the fact that the sign language class was diminishing was unfortunate. But hopefully it also helped push Richard and such further into Matt's cause. "Let's just hope, lucky things happen"