I think I get the award for "Most Creative Character Idea of The Thread". [hider=CS] Name: Referred to as “The Liberator” by his kind, as stickmen do not have names. Age: 85 in human years/42.5 in stickmen years Race: Stickman Appearance: The Liberator is your average, black-colored stickfigure. He is 6”5, and has no obvious vital areas on his exterior (eyes, nose, mouth, ect.). He also appears to have no obvious places for organs, making his anatomy very strange. Also, he cannot talk. Only other stickmen can hear his real voice when he talks. He still can “talk”, so to say. When he talks, what he's saying will appear beside and above his head as bold. black text. Personality: The Liberator seems to have little to no personality, mainly because it is next to, if not, impossible to read his body language and emotions (unless you're another stickman). What is known about his personality is that he loves fighting with his sword and he also tries to pick up ladies quite a bit, even if he fails most of the time unless it's with his own race. Abilities/Skills: Extreme Endurance – Being a slave to a bunch of monsters and not getting food or water for a day or two for touching a countertop or the such can make someone extremely durable after a while. A Strange Flexibility – The Liberator's stickman-body seems kind of flexible, making it much easier to do things such as freerunning/parkour and dodging hits. An Otherwise Stupid Courage – The Liberator seems to have a good bit of courage and willpower, considering he had fought through an army of a few hundred monsters, even though he was leading a small force of 100. By the way, a single monster is the equivalent of about ten humans. I Was In The War – The only survivors of the stickmen forces in the Stickman Liberation Wars were the strongest men. These men were able to defeat hundreds of monsters on their own, and were the key to the liberation of the stickmen from enslavement. Guess who the leader of these elite few was? The Liberator. I'm Vital Without Vitals – The Liberator, like most stickmen, seems to lack vital areas such as eyes, a mouth, ears, ect. Nobody really knows how he's alive, since him having organs isn't that obvious either. Also, it doesn't really seem like he breathes or anything. It's unknown how he still can see, hear, smell, and feel stuff perfectly normally. Powers: Enraged – Usually only activated by seeing a hostile monster, this power can also be activated by undergoing extreme pain (losing a limb, stabbed in a vital area(nearly impossible), ect). This makes The Liberator enter an enraged state for a few minutes, his strength and speed nearly doubling. He also turns from black to red, and anything he says/writes/whatever will appear in all capitals. There's a catch to this power, though. If you can last long enough for him to no longer have this power activated, you can easily kill him. Good luck doing that. Burning Sword – Although he never really knew how to read good due to his enslavement and therefore lack of education, he did manage to learn a single convenient spell when you need to either cook a lot of BBQ or cut a lot of heads off. When this power is activated, his sword's blade has flames around it. Getting hit by the sword will not only hurt you from the usual sword damage, but it will also burn you. The Liberator hasn't mastered this spell, so he has to pause for a moment to activate it. Weaknesses: The Liberator can be beat, as Enraged mode is his only common downfall. Once his Enraged mode turns off, he just falls to the ground, all energy used. In this state, he easily can be killed. Also, he can't really do much without his sword, but he still can punch at you. Good luck disarming him, by the way. Character Equipment Freedom's Blade – This is the only “realistic” weapon in the stickmen universe. It has a long 3”2 blade like that of a longsword. It is very light and agile, able to be wielded in one hand by even a human despite it being a longsword. The hilt [url=http://t5.rbxcdn.com/d6001d870bea1cd8b63ce80d1236fcae]looks like the sword's hilt in this image, but more realistic-looking.[/url] Bio The Liberator was born into a world of slavery. His people had been enslaved to the greedy, powerful Monsters for thousands of years. Eventually, he was fed up with this. He gathered a small force and rebelled, killing multiple monsters in the process. After a while, the armies of the Monsters became too much, and the rebels fled to the wilderness, promising to free the slaves as soon as possible. They eventually came across the last standing stickman kingdom, and told of the hells of slavery. Pretty soon, they had a small army of people that wanted to join the cause of freedom, and they marched on one of the smaller Monster kingdoms, starting the first Stickman Liberation War. Many good stickmen died in this first siege, but those that didn't were labeled as heroes. This first victory made some of the citizens from that one-last-stickmen-kingdom and even some of the ex-slaves join him. They attacked more and more kingdoms, slowly purging the Monsters from the land and ending their enslavement once and for all. By the time only a few kingdoms were left, the liberation army had become rather strong. Sadly, it wasn't strong enough in numbers to defeat the last few large kingdoms. A peace treaty was signed with the large Monster kingdoms, and some slaves were released back to stickman lands. The Monsters began enslaving stickmen again, and the 2nd Stickman Liberation War had begun. Troops on both sides were gathered by the masses, and it was obvious it wouldn't end well for the stickmen... so they thought. Many small battles occurred, but there was a much larger final battle. The most veteran, skilled, battle-hardened troops were led into an army of Monsters numbered in the ten-thousands. Against all odds, the Monster army was beat by this small force of elite soldiers. For his deeds and saving of the stickmen, The Liberator was crowned as king of all the stickmen. Since then, he has done his best to ensure the welfare of his people and that the Monsters do not return, ever. [/hider] Considering my character's achievements, I think that he's probably got a power level around 20.