Name: Reon Title(s): Goddess of Lilies, Goddess of the Sun Seat of Power: Iliogis Divine Aspects: The Sun, Fire. Appearance: [url=]Major WIP thanks to Rin. ^^; Colors for her body at least are pale blonde hair, greenish-blue eyes, and pale skin[/url] Artifacts: The Spear and Shield of the Sun. Both fairly ordinary in appearance, the Spear can be imbued with the intensity and heat of the sun itself(an exaggeration, but it becomes bright and on fire), allowing it to burn through foes before her if required. The Shield, however, retains a rather unique function: It is clear, acting as a magnifying glass and allowing heat and light to be channeled through it. Unique abilities: Reon is completely and utterly immune to heat and fire, it cannot damage her in any way. This of course makes perfect sense given her domain as a goddess. Even the most intense fire would feel like a pleasant, warm day to Reon. She can also manipulate and create fire on a large scale, spawning balls of flame in the palm of her hand or pulling it from already-burning sources, directing it with her will. She can even use it as armor by igniting her body. Personal History: Reon awakened upon a stone warmed by the sun, deep in the territory of the Amazons in Iliogis. Little did she know, however, that this was no simple stone. It was a sacred place for the female warriors, a stone pointed towards the rising sun, kept warm by its rays. When they discovered her there, groggy from her long sleep and confused in her bleariness, they were naturally quite perplexed. However, as her mind caught up to her situation, Reon rose and proclaimed her nature as the Goddess of the Sun. Naturally, the Amazons were initially disbelieving of her claim. And so Reon decided to prove it. From the nearby torch, she pulled the flames and manipulated them with ease. This proved her to be just who she claimed to be, the Sun Goddess Reon. The Amazons quickly accepted her and she took her role as their deity, accepting sacrifices of lilies(and requesting gardens of the flowers to be planted). Temples of Reon have been created, Priestesses clad in red robes worshipping the goddess and creating alters from glowing stone. Reon does her best to visit these temples, but even for a Goddess it's rather difficult to visit all of them. She does her best to guide her followers at all times, from peace to war. Personality: Reon is, in a word, temperamental. It would be very easy to describe her personality as fiery. She is quick to anger and prone to jealousy and irritation with others, disparaging them for the foolishness she perceives and loudly declaring how she feels they are quite simply rather stupid. She is prone to insulting others without any hesitation whatsoever, even if they are those she is allied with. Even if it's those that she cares for, she will still freely insult them. This is really her way of attempting to steer them from behaviors she feels could result in them being harmed. Reon cares deeply for her followers and wishes to lead them to victory, even if she shows it in a rather indirect manner given her temperamental nature. Reon's favored symbol is the lily, the flower proving to be her favored plant above all others. Other: The worship of Reon features the sacrifice of lilies.