WIP Name: Klon Title(s): God of Opposites, God of unification and self-destruction, Wielder of The Sword of Oblivion and The Staff of Mending, The Mad Being. Seat of Power: Klon has no permanent seat of power, as the last twenty have all been destroyed in the wars of destruction. His current seat of power is located in one of the many Lakes of Realization, the lakes are located at the center of the nation, the site of the final battle of the last destruction war. Divine Aspects: Destruction, Unification, Fate(my god would mainly appear if in an event where someone has to choose between two paths, ex: a hero has to choose between the great power of darkness or become a being of light. It's not the kind of Fate where he decides how everything happens.) Appearance: Klon currently has only two forms ever seen by lesser beings, in the legends and myths of a nearly long forgotten past, they tell of a third form that is the result of eternal peace and the restored balance between opposites. He also has a human form which he travels the lands in. (Note, the creatures he rules over aren't human but his forms are human like to other races, to the races he rules over, he will appear to be a larger version of them.) Form of Destruction: This is the more common of the two forms seen by lesser beings. No one has ever seen the face of Klon in this form as it is covered by a horrifying helmet that reveals only the dark red evil eyes that glow beneath, eyes that are full of hatred and that can drive a lesser being mad. Klon also wields the Sword of Destruction in this form. When not in battle, the sword is in its sheath, the sheath is massive and is said to tell the tales of Klon's most horrible memory's. Other than his helmet, he wears no armor. He instead wears a robe, the robe is the color of white and green with little bits of other colors mixed in. The color are actually caused by pieces of skin and feathers collected from all Horeans and Krakons that died of war that were woven together. The robe is said to grow longer with every appearance. No other parts of his body are clearly visible except for the eyes, even his hands are bandaged to hide them. Form of Mending: This form is the less common of the two forms. Appearing in times of great need, Klon will appear dressed in a white robe said to be made of pure light. This is the only time his face is revealed. His face can be described only as peaceful. His eyes are always changing color and are said to be able to calm even the angriest beasts. He has a head full of white hair and his mouth is hidden by a great white beard. He is often heard laughing joyfully. In his right hand, he carries the staff of mending. The passive artifact that can cause even the most destroyed lands to flourish shah and heal any mortal wound or sickness. He is commonly described as a cheerful old man. Normal form: Appears as an old man about average human height with great white beard, leaning on a staff, and with a sword strapped to his back. Artifacts: The Sword of Destruction and Staff of Mending are the only two artifacts used by Klon. Sword of Destruction: If you can even look at the sword, it would appear as a normal steel sword with a red gem in its hilt except larger. Other than appearance, this sword is nothing like the hundreds of steel toothpicks used by the lesser beings. Nature will retreat at the sight of this sword, trees and plants will shrink and shrivel up until nothing is left. This sword will kill friend and foe alike. To it, everything is worth destroying, nothing is worth preserving. Any lesser being would go mad looking at it too long. The power it gives off will cause the destruction of buildings and even small mountains. It's edge is can cut through solid rock.(nothing around the strength of diamonds or the strength of another gods artifact unless it's really weak) Only a god can stand up against this weapon. (Think it's fair that only a god can combat this weapon. There is also a human sized version of this for his smaller form. Just not as destructive) Staff of Mending: it's appearance is that of two tree branches woven together(your classic magic wooden staff). There is also a green gem located in the head of this staff. As the name suggest. This staff quickens the healing of the wounded nearby. It also causes fauna to flourish and even landscape destroyed by the sword of destruction to bloom again. Unique abilities: Powers that set you apart from other Gods. Every God has them. Choose two for now. More can manifest during the RP. Personal History: What has your God been doing since they were created? Keep in mind that they were made with inborn knowledge of things, but not of their own origins Personality: Other: Anything you'd like to note, which I left out.