Name: Rinn Arniman Race: Breton Gender: Male Age: 24 Appearance: Rinn stands about 5’11”, weighs 172lbs and has short curly brown hair that often falls over his ears in tangled mess. He sports a well-trimmed goatee that wraps perfectly around his thin lip, giving his strong jaw and high cheek bones a noble air and accenting his bright green eyes. His shoulders are broad, but he is not bulked up on muscle. Rather, his muscles are tightly strung and toned clearly favoring stamina and endurance over brute strength. Personality: Rinn is a kind and protecting individual, one who would not hesitate to jump into the path of danger to help someone in need. Still young, he isn't one to shy away from a fight and his headstrong attitude has often gotten him into trouble with his superiors. In his off time, Rinn loves to hang around local pubs, cracking jokes and telling stories, practice his swordplay should a skilled second or trainer be available, and even study more spellcraft. Class: Spellsword Three major skills: Heavy Armor, One-Handed Swords, Destruction Magic (Fire Focused) Four minor skills: Athletics, Alteration Magic, Block, Speech Equipment: Imperial Legion Armor (chest, greaves, gloves, boots), Kvatch Guard Tabard, Legion Longsword, Gold x600 Red Silk Cloak and Hood Spellbook (Flames, Firebolt, Flame Cloak, Frost Bite, Sparks, Lightning Bolt, Magelight, Equilibrium, Oakflesh) Job: Vice-Captain of the Imperial Legion (stationed in Kvatch) History: Rinn was born in the Imperial capitol city to his mother, the a second child in a influential noble family, and his father, a high ranking mage in the Mage's Guild. Together they raised their son with love and care, though his lifestyle was very posh compared to most. Once his magical aptitude was revealed, his father hoped the boy would follow in his footsteps but Rinn always preferred his lessons in swordplay to those studying musty old tomes. Still, his natural talent in the area allowed him to quickly master the basic spells of the Destruction School (he certainly enjoyed creating fire, ice, and lightning because they made for great party tricks and excellent pranks) and even quite a few of those in Alteration. As he grew older, his lust for excitement and adventure grew; seeing this, his father apprenticed him to a prominent Captain in the Imperial Guard where Rinn trained day and night and rose slowly through the ranks. However, the Imperial Commander in the city and a rival of Rinn's mother's house saw the risk in letting the young man gain too much influence and so pulled a few strings to have him reprimanded and re-stationed in a distant city. Recently arriving in Kvatch under orders of helping to oversee the city's garrison, Rinn finds his new life incredibly boring and disappointing, leaving him craving the adventures he'd dreamed about as a boy.