The second assassin appeared on the rooftops. Lysander had caught sight of the first assassin several minutes ago, a hooded man on horseback. Although his figure was hidden by a thick cloak, Lysander could read his body language, which gave away his ill intent. After all, they were arriving exactly as Lysander expected. Lysander gave his horse a prod and quickened his pace. Behind him, the mounted assassin broke into trot. Lysander had been discharged from the Legion that morning for insubordination. He had expected a full court-martialing, but his superiors had tried to be discreet; Lysander was a known and loved figure in the Legion. He had been given one hour to evacuate the premises of the Academy, where he was boarded. He had taken most of his belongings with him, slung in packs over his horse, Thunder. Lysander had immediately suspected foul play after his quiet dismissal, as the Legion's corrupt leaders would wish to silence him as soon as they could. The horse was stopped by a crowd standing in the street, marveling outside a store selling fabrics. A shattering tile in the alleyway beside Lysander betrayed the third assassin: they could be known from their tell-tale cloaks. Lysander snapped out of his recollection and inconspicuously looked around himself. The mounted assassin behind him had been caught in the crowd, and was helplessly pushing people aside to try and get through. The assassin on the rooftop had managed to keep up with his quarry on the street, and was keeping overwatch above. The third assassin had begun walking out of the alley. They were in near perfect position. Simultaneously, the rooftop assassin pulled a crossbow from his cloak, and the assassin in the alley lunged forward towards Lysander's horse. Lysander saw both actions and remained still, but at the last moment before the grounded assassin pulled his blade Lysander leaned over his horse and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him up. The assassin struggled but was stopped instantly by a crossbow bolt, blood spurting from his neck. Lysander dropped from the horse and drew his katana as the mounted assassin galloped towards him. In a swift motion, he ducked the assassin's sword and sliced the horse's leg, causing it to collapse. The assassin tumbled off and quickly regained his footing, holding his sword in a defensive stance. Lysander feinted an attack, and as the assassin flinched he drew his pistol from its hidden holster. He fired two shots into the assassin before him, and turned the pistol to the assassin on the rooftop. The sharpshooter had already notched a second bolt, but fired it clumsily in fear, the bolt clattering harmlessly off the cobbled street. The remaining assassin then dropped the crossbow and fled across the rooftops, too fast for Lysander to aim a shot. Lysander loosened his iron grip on his weapons and let his arms drop. Beside him were two dead men, a wounded horse, and terrified onlookers, who were either murmuring or running for their lives. Lysander tried to assess the situation: the assassins had failed, but there would be more next time. The Legion would stop at nothing to silence him. He had to lay low. He glanced at his horse, which was covered in telltale Legion paraphernalia, and his own body, which wore the ceremonial armor of a Legion Captain. He would be an easy target if he remained in his current state. Reluctantly, he stripped off his plates and cape, as well as his greaves, bracers, and boots. Underneath he wore a common tunic. He glanced at Thunder, and after a moment's hesitation smacked his horse's thigh, causing it to whinny loudly and gallop away, taking all of his prized possessions with him. He now had only his weapons and his body. The crowd was still staring at him in awe, clogging the street, but above their bustle Lysander could see a group of military police trying to force their way through the town. If they caught him, Lysander would be immediately arrested, and this time the Legion would be quick to order his execution. He had to hide, and fast. From the corner of his eye, Lysander saw a sign hanging from a nearby complex: “Guild.” (Jesus, longest post I've ever done. Also, it's midnight, which means happy birthday to me! :D)