Name: Kyzerin Race: Khajiit Gender: Male Age: 28 Appearance: [img=] Personality: Kyzerin almost always does whatever is in his best interests, putting his own needs ahead of the needs of others. He is willing to do anything to make money, but he hides his shallowness well, and does his best to appear friendly, to avoid making enemies. He has a violent temper, lashing out at people who anger him, and he is not above killing over petty arguments. He is not particularly intelligent, and he thinks that most problems can be solved with his fists, which often gets him into fights. He is very arrogant, and he believes the world owes him a fortune, and for that reason he does as little work as possible, unless the work includes violence. Class: Shadow Major Skills: Speechcraft, Blade, Destruction Minor Skills: Light Armour, Marksman, Security, Sneak Equipment: - Leather Armour - Steel War Axe - 5 lockpicks - Bed roll - 50 gold - Small hunting knife Spellbook: Flames, Fireball, Fire Rune, Lightning bolt, Whirlwind cloak, Frostbite, Ice spike Job: Mercenary Brief History: Kyzerin parents were wealthy merchants in Cyrodiil, who decided that they wanted him to follow in their footsteps. This appealed to him for a long time, until one day he wandered from the camp site, and encountered a wolf. He killed it easily, and realised he had an aptitude for killing in the process, and also found he enjoyed killing. His parents were disgusted when he told them he didn't want to be a caravan trader, and that he wanted to be a mercenary, and they forbade him from being one. Because of this he decided to run away, and soon he found himself in Kvatch, living on the streets at only 16 years of age. He originally tried to make an honest living, but his parents wealth had made him accustomed to a higher standard of life, and he soon resorted to violence to make himself more money. He spent a few years committing petty crimes, mostly stealing coin purses, before he tried anything big. He attempted to break into a the home of one of the wealthiest people in Kvatch, and his lack of training led to his capture and imprisonment, but not before he killed two guards. The 6 years he spent in prison hardened him, and made him a much more violent person. He decided to stay in the imperial city after being released from prison on his 26th birthday, and he joined a group of pirates who were docked in the imperial city waterfront. He spent a year at sea before leaving the crew and returning to Kvatch, where he became a mercenary again, but he quickly learnt that most people were against hiring an ex-convict, and so he became a thief as well as a mercenary.