Jinx jumped slightly at the appearance of the beautiful lady just behind her. She turned quickly a little irked that the woman could get behind her without her notice. She smiled regardless and gave the beautiful girl, in some quite racy clothing a smile,"Afternoon as well! It's uh..nice to meet you to. For all purposes necessary my name is Jinx." She paused turning back towards the town with wide eyes and a curious smile. Her hands fisted in anticipation as the feeling of a fresh death just barely lingered on her consciousness. She wasn't strong enough to sense every damn death in the town, but she could tell that a small group would feed the ground tonight. She had to stop by Edgar's shop before she ventured out into the night. She had a new mission stashed in her back pocket, and this one seemed to be personal in someway or another. She turned back and smiled back at the warrior still waiting for a response. She needed a few more tid-bits before her reconnaissance duty for Phantom was completed. She gave another smile to the girl, who had a certain elegance that she envied. It was probably good to do some recon on her as well, just in case she was a being of large magical presence. (I feel like a jipped ya with this short post, but oh well have to wait for Ish...P.S. That was a pretty sweet fighting post, I am really enjoying your char!" P.P.S..-sends out a beautiful girl dressed as marilyn monroe, and she begins to sing all sassy like, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR...BUSYBONES! HERE IS A SMOOSH FOR YOU!" Sadly she then takes off her wig and is a hobo off the street! XD haha but P.P.P.S Have a Great Birthday, Sparky!)