So. Many. Stairs. Honestly, who even needs this many stairs? Or buildings this tall to put them in? The dwarves had it right. Build underground. Although then you'd probably just have the same problem going in the opposite direction... He'd have to give this some more thought once he finished the contract. These stairs were just really annoying. Not tiring, not for him, but still annoying. Finally reaching the roof exit, he kicked the deadbolted door open, twisting the metal frame as much as the door itself, and stepped out onto the roof. It didn't take him long to spot the human-sized flying speck up in the sky, thanks both to his great eyesight as well as his armor's systems, and he quickly realized that he probably should have picked a taller building. She was [i]way[/i] up there. Good thing he brought the megaphone. It had been so nice of that cop downstairs to let him borrow it. He'd have to send the man a thank you later. If he lived, of course. A crushed trachea has a habit of developing nasty complications like suffocation and death. Lifting the megaphone to his mask's vocalizer, he activated it and almost winced at the loud squeal it produced. Lowering it, he smacked the side a couple times until the squeal went away, then raised it again, entirely disregarding the fact that it was now broken. Instead, he just cranked up his vocalizer volume to make it look like the megaphone still worked. It was important to keep up appearances. "HEY! YOU UP THERE IN THE SKY! I'VE JUST KILLED A DOZEN MEN AND I'D LIKE TO CONFESS!"