"[i]Mercy? ...Yeah, there is such a thing in the darkness as Mercy. But the Darkness devours such concepts, giving nothing but scarce remains. ...Mercy isn't something you give away so easily, Mercy is like respect, it is earned, and once taken away to earn it back is a practically impossible feat. Give Mercy to those who deserve it, ...and the rest...[/i]" Kotaro saw the two who weren't killed by the attack about to come at him, spinning around and around like tornadoes clearly attempting to go for rapidly scratching to tear him apart. But the third one got destroyed at least, so these two are the only ones left. That said though, the only thing he could do at the short amount of time to plan something out is to essentially jump out of the way again, this time backflipping in the hopes of his legs kicking the two that would come down...though it was just as possible to hit their claws and getting the back of his legs scratched up as a result. By now, unless they still had the momentum to keep on spinning, they should have landed. In which case, now was the time to make his next move before they attacked him again. "[i]The keyblade comes to me whenever I call for it, right? In that case, this should hopefully work.[/i]" He thought. With the keyblade in his left hand, he quickly placed it near his right hip, then forced towards the left side in a horizontal motion, but right in the middle of it he let go of his keyblade and let it be thrown spinning at the left Neo-Shadow to cut it in half, then he attempted to summon it again into his hand. Should it work, he would again wait for the last Neo-Shadow to make his move make the Keyblade appear in his hand while dodging the inevitable attempt to kill him by the Neo-Shadow, and parry his move via a diagonal slash from the bottom-left to the top-right. Should the Keyblade fail to appear in his hand like he feared, Kotaro will simply proceed to dodge nonetheless and attempt to actually roundhouse kick the Neo-Shadow from the left side. Probably a bad move, certainly not a smart one, but without a keyblade it was the only option of defense. Worse case scenario: Should the Keyblade fail to kill the second one, his only option against two heartless without a keyblade was to rush over to the Keyblade he threw, risking the giant probability of getting slashed to crap with those razor claws of theirs, and wait for them to make their move. Should the keyblade respond in this scenario, then all he could do is wait for them to again attempt striking at him, let them make the first move...No, remembering what Tamius said about Mercy, he can't do that. He would have to be the one to make the first move instead. As such, he would run towards them in an attempt to strike them both down one at a time with a few slashes each.