[center] [img]http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/0a2c81fa-1f54-40fd-927c-7236fbcfa8fa.jpg[/img] TIARO IZRAMARE 90 years old 21/10/1054 A resident of The Under, Tiaro is a regular coliseum fighter and the current reigning champion of the last few tournaments. However, besides his victories, he is infamous as a drug lord who sells drugs to wizard both in The Under and The Main City. He has access to secret tunnels that his subordinates use to do their work, but most wizards assume that he does drug deals with the nobles who ride the elevator to and from the coliseum. His most popular drug is one of his own creation called Refrain that gives wizards hallucinations of their happiest memories, and they tend to live through the illusions as they were real. The more doses a wizard takes, the harder it becomes to feel happy without the aid of Refrain. The horrible conditions many wizards are forced to live in make many desperate for his drug and he feels no guilt taking advantage of suffering wizards. He is the biggest business in The Under besides the coliseum and he treats and pays his subordinates well, but he won't hesitate to fire inadequate wizards or literally set wizards on fire if anybody shares his secrets. His home is very large and the base of his operations, so it is heavily guarded by his paid thugs and Tiaro himself will punish wizards foolish enough to try robbing him. The most heavily guarded room is not his Bell Safe, but his garden. He is not the kindess person and take running his business seriously, but he is not unreasonable, and will pardon forgotten or late payments with just a reminder. Of course, those reminders get worse and worse the longer he doesn't receive his money, and Tiaro kills off any wizard who dares to try running away. Tiaro is a serious and normally calm headed wizard, which is why he gets along so badly with Criminal Nova. Even if the wizard didn't interfere with his drug deals sometimes, Tiaro still despises his personality, and hates the vigilante's strange antics. He grew up never getting emotionally attached to anybody and he only got worse after becoming a coliseum champion as well as a drug lord. Whether it was for his appearance, power, or money wizards started trying to pursue relationships and friendships with Tiaro, who did not appreciate people trying to take advantage of him. Casual acquaintances he could handle fine, but intimate friends and lovers were the last thing he wanted, and he definitely refused to ever have one night stands. But despite his aversion to both emotional and physical closeness, he still managed to let one person into his heart. Tiaro's lover is named Kailani Callum and they have a son together named Kaiden. He first met Kailani after noticing she frequently bought his drugs. Tiaro makes it his business to know the face and identity of every single customer so once a wizard regularly purchases his drugs, he pays them a personal visit. Most of the time he does a simple introduction and completes the business transaction himself. Those are usually the only times he personally deals with his customers with the exception of wizards who have too many late payments, tried to escape their debt, or causing problems in other ways he has to take care of. His first meeting with Kailani was purely professional and to Tiaro she was just another wizard trying to forget whatever horrors they experienced in life. He did not see her until months later when another wizard was late for their payments. Tiaro went to personally deliver his terrifying warnings, and since other customers lived in the area, Tiaro decided to deal with them as well. Kailani was one of the people who lived nearby and it was that second meeting that she left an impression on him. She was surprised that he was the one who showed up instead of the regular drug dealer so she asked him about it, which started a conversation that eventually went off topic and they spoke for over an hour. Tiaro left because he needed to return to work, but he felt curious about her, mostly because the only customers he dealt with were already too far gone or hostile towards him by the time he needed to interact with them. Kailani was the first customer he had an actual conversation with that did not complete revolve around drugs or his business. A few weeks later he went to fight in the coliseum again, but because he remembered Kailani mentioning she was a singer there, he took the time to seek her out and listen to her. Tiaro liked her performance, which gave him another reason to speak with her again. He complimented her voice and admitted he wouldn't mind listening to her again, and bid her farewell with parting words that he looked forward to meeting her again. She interested him, but Kailani was put out of his mind for the next month as he conducted business, and he finally thought about her again once he felt like fighting in the coliseum again. This time he brought a gift for her that he presented after she finished singing, an expensive bracelet that he had received from a customer who did not have sufficient cash to pay their debt, that Tiaro had no use for. Charmed by her voice and intrigued by their conversations, Tiaro continued to seek Kailani out the rare moments he craved companionship. And after seeing her eyes light up from seeing his gift, Tiaro felt uncharacteristic joy at her expression so he continued giving her presents that he personally had no use for. He began to slightly care for her more than the casual acquaintance they had formed, but it was not something Tiaro considered friendship or even infatuation. He simply had more positive feelings about her than anyone else in his life, and slightly cared about her well being, since he would feel some distress if she were harmed and making her smile made him feel good. Most people did not smile at Tiaro, after all. He had developed an attachment to her and, though he did not completely understand anything about romance, asked if she would consider a relationship with him. Tiaro admitted that he could not spend much time with her, and could never see himself acting romantic [i]ever[/i], but if she could accept that then he would take care of her as long as she was his lover. She agreed and he has remained faithful to her, and though he has never said he loved her Tiaro, he kept his promise to take care of her by giving her a lot of money and helping her move to a better neighborhood. Tiaro rarely ever initiated anything physical in their relationship, however he would not refuse Kailani if she wanted him since he would rather not upset her. But he always felt hesitant to even hold her, knowing that his hands have killed before and is surprisingly gentle, as if he feared burning her with the fire magic he specialized in. This fear carried over to his son when Kaiden was born and Tiaro never held him as a baby, secretly afraid he would accidently kill him if he so much as touched him. Tiaro, as a child, had accidently killed someone close to him because he could not control his strength and gaining a family in Kailani and Kaiden brought back the trauma he thought he got over long ago. Even as Kaiden grew older, Tiaro was still hesitant to be around him for too long since he felt he was too dangerous. Presently, the only wizard Tiaro likes more than Kailani is Kaiden, and he showers them both with extravagant gifts whenever he has time to visit them. [/center]