War in the North Gaius sat upon his throne in the Elder Council chambers, the squabbling councillors arguing over the issue of taxation levels... predictably, they would be set at a similar rate they had been last year, and nothing would be achieved from the arguing. He didn't bother to weigh in, it would only stoke the fires in this case. But then something happened that wasn't so predictable. The doors to the elder council chambers flung open and in ran a redguard male in light legion armour "There's a war in the north" he yelled "Man against Akaviri!" Gaius stood slowly from his chair, frowning "Explain yourself this instance." He demanded, folding his arms as he watched him "They landed in Windhelm, they killed and killed and the Jarl lies dead by their hand, face down in a pool of his own blood." "The Akaviri you say? Which type?" A councillor said, rising slowly "Kamal my lord" "Demons of the frost... My Emperor, we must prepare our forces for war, if the Kamal are invading..." "If the Kamal are invading all we feared has come true, Councillor. Tamriel opened it's self up for occupation and now we're like High Rock when Tiber Septim invaded." The Emperor spat, turning to the council "Send word to prepare the legions, all of them. I want all of the Empires provinces to be secured for defence, prepare the spares for war, we shall not go quietly into Aetherius." "Hear hear!" "And one more thing my liege..." The redguard said, slowly backing up "The moon is bleeding..." The Emperor frowned again and crossed the room, pushing open the door and stepping out into the streets, looking up into the night sky... Sure enough it was a blood moon. "By the nine..." So this is what the gods had planned, an akaviri invasion, a bloodmoon, a flood in Winterhold... and the Dragonborn had supposedly stopped the end of the world? He certainly hadn't stopped the end of Tamriel!