[quote=The Nexerus] It just seems silly to put some arbitrary, "And if it gets more than X kilometres away then it doesn't work" limit on the Shard. [/quote] So basically your god is extremely powerful when attacking a nation but completely defenseless if someone decides to attack you? That is unless you follow the "offense is the best defense" rule. Edit: completely clueless for what to put in unique abilities. Any ideas? I got an idea for his form of mending where he is invincible and anything around him can't be destroyed but he can't wield any weaponry and to extend this affect causes him to weaken. Would this be OP? Also for his form of destruction, he can go berserk and increase his strength and speed but at the cost of being weaker in terms of getting wounded. This affect would also extend to all surrounding beings(friend and foe) but might leave them insane and it causes nearby buildings to crumble. He also wouldn't feel pain during this state but depending on how badly he was wounded, he could be incapable for a period of time(if he was wounded to the point of death for a god, he wouldn't technically be dead but be gone so long that people would consider him dead. He would also be able to appear in his other form.)