[hider=Targ God of War.]Name: Targ Gratios Title(s): Targ "The Bloodied", Lord of the Shifting Sands, God of war Seat of Power: A small cobbled together stronghold of Various things of wood and stone, think Helms Deep but smaller. Divine Aspects: War,Strategy,and Patron god of the desert traveller, and Oasis'. Appearance: He normally appears as a Dark Skinned human with Midnight black hair and covered in golden jewelry, But also known to appear as a Cobra and a Giant Lion Artifacts: A sword that has a crystal embedded in the hilt, theres nothing special about the blade it's self but the Crystal has the abilty to control the sands to a small degree. An amulet that is shaped like an eye with a Ruby in the middle has the ability to let it's wielder see a top down view of land up to 50 miles away. Unique abilities: Targ has a small degree of control over the desert so he can make small oasis', small sandstorms, and mirages. Targ Also has the ability of learning a variety of fighting styles quicker than other gods and mortals. Personal History: When Targ was brought into the mortal world it brought him into a desert not far off from a tribe of orc nomads, when they went to investigate they found him standing there fully grown and a sword on his hip, taken aback by this mysterious man who appeared out of nowhere, they took him prisoner and he was their prisoner for two years until, a shaman (who is now one of his advisers) appeared from his spiritual journey of two years and recognized him as a god with this information the nomads made him their chieftain. With Targ as their chieftain they won many battles against other tribes of both orcs and humans, and the losers were either wiped out to the last man, enslaved or if they proved themselves capable warriors allowed to join with Targ and his war band eventually they found a nation built by goblins, Targ and his war band sieged the city and eventually brought the nation into his fold, Targ's war band was growing and would continue to grow eventually adding in Ogres, and Sand trolls to his army making his Tribe the strongest and the last in the desert. Targ ruled over his people Kindly,and Justly, but could be cruel to people who rebelled or went against him but streched thin seeing as he can't be everywhere at once he made a artifact an amulet shaped like an eye with an ruby inlaid in the middle that allows him to watch over his lands from afar and still be it's chieftain. Personality: Targ is a thinker, as well as a natrual born leader able to rally his men even in the worse crisis, but he has a violent streak to him as well as seen by anyone who opposes him. Other: N/a.[/hider] [hider=The Bloodfang Tribe]Name:The Bloodfang Tribe Location: A giant desert full of sandy dunes, and rocky canyons, with a few oasis' that tribes have fought over for generations until Targ came along Government: Targ is the chieftain but he consults his 5 advisers and representatives for guidance before going to war Dominant race: Orcs: Green Skinned and natrual fighters all of them Targ was taken captive by the Bloodfang tribe and when said to be a god became leader of their tribe, but there are other orc tribes like the Sand Wolves, who are renowned for riding giant sand wolves and Rock chompers, who love to dig tunnels and be underground. That are now apart of the Bloodfang Tribe and other tribes that didn't prove themselves are used as slaves Other races: Humans: only a couple of feet shorter than the green skins they are generally tan in appearance with black hair like the orcs some are used as slaves and some are used as fighters normally they are mounted on the backs of the Unoura Lizard a common beast of burden and mount among the tribes. Goblins:Short green skinned mechanics,builders,and scientists they are the think tank of the Bloodfang Tribe usually developing new weapons of war and other useful things like irrigation methods, but do not doubt their fighting prowess as they are tough fighters when cornered. Ogres:Giant dumb beasts of war, while incredibly stupid they are capable fighters and used as shock troops by the Bloodfang Tribe normally just the sight of 20 of these things sends most armies running or sending up a white flag. Sand Trolls:About the same size as orcs were unified under one big tribe led war chief and gave Targ the biggest run for his money eventually at the Battle of Bloody Dunes Targ won a victory and got the old war chief to surrender and join the Bloodfang Tribe Unoura Lizard: Think of a Komodo dragon but without the bacteria infested mouth and big enough for five humans to ride on normally there are three archers a driver and a back up driver per a lizard, but they are also used like beasts of burden as well so it is not uncommon to see one of these lizards hooked up to a plow. Sand wolves: There are many packs of sand wolves out in the desert but only the biggest dire wolves of the pack get to become mounts for the army. Wild Flora/fauna: Unoura Lizards: not all of these beasts are tame and often use their size to try to scare people away but if that doesn't work it will use teeth,claws and tail. Sand Wolves: Just like the lizards not all of them are tame giant packs of these things roam the desert normally at night in search of prey they attack as a pack and if threatened will attack all together. Orala: The Orala are a lot like Impala's horned grazers who tend to graze on desert grass they are hunted for food by the tribes as well as by the predators but they will charge with their horns if threatened. Wyrms: Giant worms that burrow under sand and create tunnels through rock they can also spit a corrosive acid at people that melt's metal,skin and bone it takes an army to even take one of these things out so the tribe tends to avoid it, unless it's asleep then they attack it and skin it since it's skin is useful in creating armor. Giant Cobras "Wajet": Called the Wajet these giant cobras can spit venom in someones eye with uncanny accuraccy they also tend to travel in what the tribes call coils which is a group of ten of these snakes all together and when threatened they will all attack what ever the threat is at night they sleep in a giant pile thus why a group of them is called a coil. Specialization: The Bloodfang Tribe specializes in war, but has also been known to trade with outsiders seeing as outsiders are always welcome in their towns, Cities, and tent cities the normally have a lot to offer in the way of jewelry, and other ornate objects like perfumes though they don't use it themselves, and with the help of the Goblins they are also know for their craftsmanship on other things to. National History: When Targ was brought into the mortal world he was taken prisoner by the Bloodfang Tribe for two years when a shaman named Gor'lak Oldtooth came back from his spiritual journey that is required among all shamans and told the tribe that Targ was a god brought into the world to save them and bring them to glory, and after that they let Targ go and made him their chieftain Targ's first step as chieftain was to make Gor'lak his chief Adviser and representative of the Orcs. After that day Targ led the Bloodfangs on a warpath bringing many tribes into the fold those who were worthy warriors were brought in as warriors those tribes that weren't were either wiped out to the last man,woman, and child or enslaved eventually Targ set his sights on a city built by Goblins and besieged it and brought the defenders to their knees he forced them to join his tribe, the next to join were the Ogres, legend tells that Targ himself wrestled the ogre leader to the ground and forced him to join, and the last to join were the Sand Trolls at that point they were unified under one war chief and Targ's forces and the Sand Trolls fought a war that cost many men on both sides but at the Battle of the Bloody Dunes Targ stood victorious with the Warchief of the Sand Trolls begging to be spared at his feet. After all of the war and battles fought by Targ he was content with what he had and focused on building rather than destroying building small towns and cities in the desert and eventually building his own stronghold in the largest city Nekahime also known as the Crown jewel of the desert. Alliances:N/a Enemies:N/a Notable People: The Advisers: Gor'lak Oldtooth: Is an old and grey haired orc who was a warrior of the Bloodfangs until he showed magical properties taken from the warriors and forced into being a shaman it was Gor'lak who told the tribe that Targ was a god, and it was Gor'lak who helped Targ when he felt weak or when he was war weary he is considered by Targ to be his only true friend, Gor'lak's magical ability is seeing into the future though he cannot control it. Ambassador Tink Cogwell: She is the ambassador and representative for the Goblins she speaks out for the Goblins and tells Targ what her people need in order to develop things for the army and for trade, Cogwell is also known for being a tinkerer and inventor herself often making things when she isn't speaking at one of the meetings. Chieftain Yuriah Luris: Yuriah is the leader of the human arm of the Bloodfangs a former slave she was elevated to chieftain by Targ when he saw potential in her, something she is eternally grateful for she is one of the most devout worshipers of Targ and is fanatical to him, she is also madly in love with Targ, even though Targ hardly notices her. Cheiftain and Seer Grotz Skullcrushah: Grotz is the leader of the ogres he is highly intelligent for his species able to master small fire spells he represents the Ogres and is fiercely fanatical to Targ as well due to Targ saving his life in the Battle of the Bloody Dunes he is also the leader of the Temple devoted to Targ and is considered the religious arm of the Bloodfangs War Chief Yukkah "The Wajet" Hex: Hex is the Leader of the Sand Trolls he is second in command of the military he leads the forces of the Bloodfang Tribe when Targ is away, he is quick to adapt to change. Other:N/a[/hider]