The day started like any other: well before the crack of dawn. Artyom woke with the sounds of birds on his open windowsill. He rolled out of bed, already dressed in his work clothes, and stumbled to the kitchen for his pre-made breakfast. Today's food was a lump of cheese and some crackers, along with the usual lukewarm herbal tea. The stuff tasted like garbage, but it gave him enough energy to start the day. Then he was out the door, following the familiar trail down to the docks. Artyom worked for a small fishing company that provided their catch to the Sailor's Guild for a nice price. Their food would then be sold to businesses who did not catch their own wares, and then the shopkeepers would sell it to the public. Artyom, his father, and the other 17 men were paid monthly in gold and provided fish to feed their families. It was an easy business where everyone made money. Artyom arrived on the docks to see the beginnings of the sunrise, a steady lightening of the deep blue sky. The waves were calm and the birds glided lazily over the ocean. He closed his eyes and reached out with his magic. As expected, not many fish were hanging around the docks, but he could feel the beginnings of a school near the surface a mile away, perfect for catching in nets. He opened his eyes and climbed onto the boat. They sailed out on the lazy morning breeze. The catch wasn't amazing today. In fact, it was less than last weeks catch, but still enough to fit their quota. Artyom was right about the school of fish. They netted half of it and left the other half to repopulate. The crab traps were empty, which surprised Artyom, since he was sure the locations he suggested were full of crab and lobster. His father shook him by the shoulders, "C'mon boy, gotta do better than that." The men teased him, and he laughed, asserting that, "even magic is wrong sometimes." The rest of the trip went uneventfully, and they pulled back into the docks with the sun high over their heads. Artyom headed down to the shop district to get some groceries, preferably not fish. (As delicious as fish is, he can't live on just fish alone.) Artyom arrived just in time to see the guards chasing after some man with a bag of gold. Oh, great, a robbery! Sighing at the state of Indiga these days, he shopped at the vegetable and dairy stalls, picking up some nice looking cheese and corn ears. He eyed an exotic-looking fruit, but it was much too expensive, and smelled like sweaty socks. After that, he headed home, which was close to the docks.