"I just c-cant, okay? Help him!" Takeshi must seem like a total coward right now, but he seriously couldn't get himself to move. Bluntly put T'charrl frightened him, he couldn't move any closer even if he wanted to. It was painstaking to leave Shu to do it on his own, but that was going to have to be how it was. Looking at his little brother apologetically he watched as he began to fly towards T'charrl, reaching after him soundlessly with a frown. There was no way this could be safe, T'charrl was absolutely rampant right now. Shu got too close to their friend, and with a mighty gust of his wings the little guy was sent tumbling away through the air. Seeing Shu flout about like that was enough to make Takeshi finally move, at least enough to go after his brother. Flying towards the trees he cut off the younger boy, catching him against his chest and near falling over in the process. Clutching Shu to his chest he smiled sadly, looking at T'charrl swatting at the Saiyan furiously still. "Shu... Sorry... I'll try..." he mumbled lamely, easing his sibling out of his grasp. "Help me restrain T'charrl... Okay?" Seriously, what the hell was this thing?! Since when did bugs go berserk like this? And just to make matters worse now the Princes were here as well, though they weren't doing much of anything right at the moment. While his job was to fight them he couldn't exactly do that, he was much too focused on not being torn to ribbons. Dashing about fitfully he spotted Prince Shu fly in after the alien, confused and worried he might be joining the fray. When the strange little boy was sent tumbling away the Saiyan opted to try and take a cheap shot, flying in quickly and trying to punch T'charrl in the face. Grinning when the hit connected he looked up at the alien smugly, the smile turning to a look of shock seeing he had done literally nothing with that. Backing off as quickly as he could he was still smacked by a claw, yelping as it cut into him and sent him crashing to the ground below. Rolling a little bit he groaned, his hand going over and covering his new wounds instinctively. Again there was a little blood but nothing fatal, yet. Lifting his head he glanced up at the alien fearfully, trying to throw a Ki blast his way. Dammit, he was dead wasn't he? Takeshi couldn't really care about the Saiyan, but he knew how T'charrl and Shu would feel if he were killed. He had to do something, there wasn't any way he could stand by and think it would end well. But sheesh... Their friend was really out of control and pretty darn scary to boot. Forcing himself to move he began to fly forward slowly, keeping himself very wary all the while. "Uh... T-T'charrl? Hey.... Can you hear me? I-It's Takeshi..." Seeing the Saiyan trying to fire at his friend he rushed in, swatting the blast away and sending it careening off and exploding a ways away. Placing himself in front of the Saiyan Takeshi held a hand out, gathering Ki in a small blast and aiming it directly at T'charrl. "B-Back off! We don't need to kill this kid, he's not worth it!"