[b]Hi-Voltage[/b] Tommy refrained from cheering with the rest of the newly-minted League members, his ulterior motives for joining weighing heavy on him in the wake Zenith's speech about worthiness. Was it really worthy to use a group like this with the goal of hunting down and getting his revenge on someone, even a dangerous serial killer like Obsidian? The sinking in his gut was all probably the answer he needed. Then there was this 'Legion' business to consider. The whole scene smacked of sinister, but Volt knew it would be beyond him to figure it out. He'd already outsourced the problem to Silvertounge, but even that might not be enough, as something told him this wasn't just an ordinary case. Probably take some serious grey matter to solve that mystery. [I]Maybe I should pass the details about 'Legion' onto Strix when I touch base about Obsidian. He might be a special kinda crazy, but he's still the smartest lad I've ever met, excepting maybe Szymon.[/i] The owl-themed vigilante wasn't hard to spot so Volt was about to cross over to him when he was nudged by someone in the crowd. His smile for Sonja only slipped a little when she called him slimbean (hardly the worst thing he had ever been called, but pretty damned far from the best too) She thrust her hand out and declared her full name. Volt hesitated, unsure if he wanted to share his fiercely guarded identity to her so soon, but also not wanting to alienate one of the only people he knew in America by refusing to tell her his name. He decided the best policy was to casually ignore this hurdle for the moment. He shook the proffered hand. "Not likely to forget your name after you saved me from Boomer! Sure, the fortress sounds peachy. I could use a cold beer after today." [b]Furious[/b] Furious shook Chrome's hand, all the animosity he had held for the man a minute ago melting away. "Humility and patience have never been my strong suits," he answered ruefully. He followed the rest of the heroes to the pavilion, cheering louder than most upon finding out he had made the cut. It almost made the beating Chrome had given him worth it. Now he could take his first steps towards truly making a difference for his meta brothers and sisters who face persecution. But first he would have to try and sleep of the days exertions.