[i]"It has. You may be off. I'll conclude this court gathering soon enough."[/i]  Evelyn stole a step back and curtsied, smiling. [b]"Thank you, Sire. It's been a pleasure, truly."[/b] The moment she closed the great hall doors behind her, Evelyn leaned back, the happiness and generosity in her face replaced by fatigue and annoyance. If she had to look at one more snobby, two-faced noble she'd set him alight where he stood. Rubbing her eyes with a hand, Evelyn made her way through the stone halls. Her fingers pulled up on her hoods, and the Mage swathed her head in darkness once more. [i]The fun and games are just starting, my dear.[/i] Stopping in on the castle's library, Evelyn picked up a few documents and maps of the Marceilles area. The Court Mage's study was up a level, and she always enjoyed the fact she was close to the Throne room. Though it was a long walk from the Hall to her study, she could do it with her eyes closed. Her study was just as quiet as when she left it. There were tall shelves from floor to ceiling filled with dusty books, a large desk stacked with documents and curious magical objects. Beside that were two large chests and an enchanting table with archaic spell books open on top. A red and gold embroidered rug brought colour to the center of the floor, laying atop the stone. In the corner were two red velvet chairs by a small round table, her favourite place to sit and contemplate.  On the wall in front of her was another door that lead down a hall to her personal quarters and a room for the displaying of the auspicious artifacts from her adventures. It was usually locked, as it was tonight.  Evelyn sat at her desk, putting the Marceilles maps to the side as she pulled out a fresh sheet of parchment from a drawer underneath. In elegant cursive, she made a note for the one noble she did a good deed for, Kester. She invited him to join her in the Court Mage's study early next morning, mentioning she needed help with something. Sealing the note with red wax and a stamp, she rung up one of the servants to run the note for her. That taken care of, Evelyn poured herself on all the information she had on Agravaine and his abode, memorizing all the important bits with ease. She could see it in her mind, the Palace she used to visually store everything she ever learned, all by merely closing her eyes. A brightly lit diamond staircase led down into the Vaults, where rows upon rows of crystal shelves lined glass walls. From there, she simply imagined her new information as a book and placed it in the 'M' section. Surprised Garthois hadn't arrived yet, Evelyn stuck her head out the study door. It was quiet save a couple servants moving cleaning tools down the corridor. The elf nodded to herself, closed the door, and found a bottle of wine in one of her chests. Popping the cork with a snap of her fingers, Evelyn conjured two ghostly crystal glasses in her other hand. She took a seat in one of the velvet chairs, filling both glasses halfway with red liquid. One she left by the bottle on the table, the other she raised to her lips.  [i]What a night it's been, my dear. Here's to your life, may it never be a bore.[/i] Evelyn thought silently, sipping to her toast.