Ava simply mumbled to herself as Tailor left. "Ahh sorry then, go fuck yourself [i]Justice[/i]". She turned once again and looked out over the scene in front of her. "Speaking of airlifting supplies.... What the fuck are we talking about!? What is this, the middle ages? Just carpet bomb those bastards since they were nice enough to mark their position with the most obvious thing ever. And what the hell was the main arm forces of the PFK doing with their time? How the hell are we just now noticing a fucking encampment Like.... We have space ships! Call in orbital weapons... or something! The only reason we build the walls is for managing the population more effectively, not "withstanding a siege" or some bullshit. That's it, I'm gonna get air support on the horn and tell them I got a juicy target for them." Ava stormed over to the near by communications station and got onto a secure channel. "Yes, this is Agent Ravier, callsign KA 2-8, I'm requesting air support on confirmed rebel targets.... Mark them? Buddy, they're literally in some big encampment outside of the capital, you would have a harder time spotting the city itself they're that obvious......No, I don't know how the fucking got here unnoticed, but they've now made their freakin presence known so roll out the god damn welcome mat and bomb their asses." with that she hung up and walked up back to the wall, pulling out her range-finders. Using the digital binoculars, she marked their position for the incoming aircraft and decided stick around to watch the incoming fireworks. "Either this the worst half ass attack on any city in history or they got something else up their sleeves." she mumbled to herself, watching the missiles come it.