Hei glanced at team one, after then glancing at Ntombi who just threw a cookie at him. With a split second of time, he threw his right chain trough the cookie, breaking it into tiny pieces, after that the chain landed just mere milimeters away from Ntombi's head. [b]"This means we are ready to leave."[/b] Hei stood up as he walked out of the room, making sure the others would follow. As Hei made his way towards the roof, he grabbed his chains a bit tighter, blood slowly went across his chains, dripping on the floor, for the spikes that made his chains special, were piercing trough his own flesh. It was true that he never took of his mask infront of the others, for it had it's reasons... He used to be a war hero for this city, doing exactly the same thing the humans do that he hunts now.... And yet Hei can't let go of the past... Of the horrors that he truelly did towards innocent people... Towards innocent lives... As Hei glanced over the city, he made his way towards their location, jumping from roof to roof. As he reached the position of where the mission would start, he made sure he was at a distance of 1000 meter, so that Alice would have a clear shot if things would go wrong. As for what he planned... Hei just hoped they would act swift and with correct movements... For it would cost their lives if they would act in the wrong way. Hei glanced towards the way he came from, making sure the team he picked out was also coming.