Damien smirked, showing off his fangs and reminding the young master what he truly was. "Although I can claim to devour them all, one can never be certain. This world has a habit of using unfortunate circumstances against the common man's favor. With that said, don't assume that your enemies will not have a weapon greater than I. That is life." Getting up from his meal, the butler walked to the kitchen and soon returned with a pitcher of tea. It was the last pouch in the house. "Would my Lady desire more refreshments?" As he waited for her answer, he smiled in the face of her question. "Why then, did I choose to consume my race, my species, my people? I suppose the practical answer would be because I was hungry. There were riots going on around that time, those that rebelled with the laws and sanctions placed and enacted by our kind." Damien stood straight now and stared at the ceiling, his dark mind playing back scenes Cateline would never hope to witness. "I suppose though....in the end...I don't really know. Perhaps I just decided to be more of a monster on that bleak day? That's all."