Name: Korina Geaus Race: Altmer Age: 26 Gender: Female Appearance: Korina is 5 ft 7 in tall. Her body is petite and slender and solidly muscled form years of training. She has long auburn hair that she keeps in a tight ponytail that gives off her Nord lineage. Her features are fair but edged. Her ears are short for an Altmer. Her eyes are the palest of blues to an almost haunting degree. Her right ear is pierced with a crimson ruby stud in it. Personality: Korina is soft-spoken and believes that actions speak louder than words. She has a gifted eye for detail and is extremely intelligent. She also has a hardened sense of honor, a rare trait for a Dark Brotherhood assassin and will often meet her marks in open combat if able. Class: Warriormage Skills: Destruction, Marksman, Unarmed Secondary skills: Unarmored, Alteration, Acrobatics, Stealth Equipment: An black tight fitting robe, ten small steel throwing daggers, white hand wrappings, a small over-the-shoulder traveling pack, two health potions, a mana potion, fifteen barbered throwing stars. (Her daggers and stars are in a pair of pouches on her belt.) Spellbook: Spark, Lightning bolt, Ironflesh, Lightning Cloak. Job: Dark Brotherhood Assassin Background: Orphaned and forced to live on the streets of Winterehold, Korina learned from an early age how to survive. Forced to steal for her food she developed a skill for Acrobatics and Stealth. When she was seven she tried to steal from a Bretan by the name of Sinderine who had been passing through town. Instead of killing her, as any other traveler would have, he took her in and trained her in the a martial art of Co-via. A style, when mixed with destruction magic, is deadly. She trained under his watchful eye for many years. When she hit seventeen she was initiated into the Brotherhood and made a full fledged assassin. Her first mission unfortunately had been the to kill her own master. When she came after him she showed didn’t hesitate and bested him in unarmed combat. With his dying breath he told her of how proud he was and died with a smile on his face. Now nine years later she still works for the Brotherhood as both a spy and an assassin. Now she is on her way to Kvatch under the alias of Dalia Raventail a merchant from the Imperial City. Her mission, to find and kill a man by the name of Gaston Renderrine.