A hand reached out and took up the glass that Evelyn had just placed down, charmingly raising the glass towards a familiar face as Lucius stepped out of the shadows he called friends. [B]"I hope you did not think to drink without me, my dear,"[/B] Lucius said chidingly. He toasted his glass, before raising the rim to his lips to sup from the fine wine. He smiled when he recognized the bouquet and taste, and lowered his glass to peer at the bottle, the label turned away from his eyes towards Evelyn. [B]"You have excellent taste, mademoiselle. This is Rendair Brothers Vintage 445, no?"[/B] Lucius guessed, making slight small talk for the bare moment as he reminisced about good wine. He chuckled softly. [B]"Wine is a lucrative and enjoyable business blessed with patience. I happen to own Shadowcrest Vineyards in Greymont. Perhaps another time, I may treat you and our liege to a bottle."[/B] Lucius explained as he leaned on the back of the velvet chair. He then smiled. [B]"But I do not intend to bore you and waste time with such irrelevancies. I am here to assist you in planning the heist, and my intelligence is at your disposal, mi'lady."[/B] Lucius noted, taking a seat in the velvet chair opposite of Evelyn. He sipped once more from his cup before holding it aloft in his hand, watching Evelyn and listening attentively.