The man remained by the door for a few moments. How exactly did he "make himself at home"? Was that a direct order? How should he follow through on that? He decided that the man's suggestion of showering was a good place to start. The nameless man nodded dutifully and went into the bathroom. It was not like any kind of shower he could remember using. For one, it was in a bathroom and not a room full of guys in white coats. He pulled off his soggy clothes and dumped them on the floor, not sure what else to do with them. The man stepped into the tub and turned the water on; it worked about the same as the one he was used to. The water was cold, also the same as he was used to. It took his precisely 2.6 minutes to rinse his hair and body before he was out and standing in the doorway, stark naked, and dripping water all over the tile. He looked mildly confused. Where was the man with his uniform? When he got done showering, there was always a man waiting with his uniform. The black gear. Every time. It took him a second to realize that he wasn't even sure [i]why[/i] he wore that uniform in the first place. Or why he expected it to be handed to him the moment he left the shower. What had he done before? Other than shower and sleep? He had a feeling that there had been quite a bit of violence involved. The man looked to his...friend? ...Target? ...The guy on the bed, and asked, "What should I wear?"