Rosaline entered the house hesitantly. She felt unwelcomed to say the very least. Dr. Douglas was less than thrilled to have them in her home. She moved forward, spinning around on the heels of her sneakers to do a good scope of the house. It was definitely not the house of an impoverished woman. Her house was very well decorated and perhaps bigger than her own even considering her house had three occupants. "Your house is really nice." She told her as the exhausted woman moved rapidly past her. Rose bit her lip and picked up the woman's car key after she had stepped away from where she had placed it. Pointing it out the window, she locked the car for her and set it back down. She stepped into the living room and watched as Dr. Douglas and Alexis fell into slumbers. That was it? Some crazy people could be tracking them down and plotting numerous ways to kill them and they just were going to take naps? She sighed, her gaze falling to the certificates on the glass coffee table in front of her. Rose wasn't so sure she wanted to be here anymore. They probably didn't even care about them. That man had been mostly interested in the Asian guy anyway. Dr. Douglas had played a major part but Rosaline was sure she wasn't much of a big deal to them. Besides, what did she know about hacking into the internet and whatnot? What help could she possibly give this woman? She really shouldn't have gotten herself into this. Rose had decided long ago on a normal lifestyle and she had no idea why she let herself stray from it. Conflicted, she paced into the kitchen, cell phone in hand, debating on whether or not she should just call her brother to pick her up. The sound of items being shuffled around made Rose glance up to find the girl with the shadowy powers ravaging through the cabinet. She heard her own stomach growl at the thought of food but she didn't feel right just taking food from Angela when she barely knew her.