Ally pulled out a loaf of bread and lay it on the counter. She glanced around again and identified the toaster, oh what she would do for some toast. It was such a simple food and yet something she hadn't had in years. She moved towards it, placing the bread in the holes and turning it on before heading to the fridge in search of butter. The cool light washed over her as she pulled back the door, how long it had been since she had opened a fridge. She marvelled at the contents for a moment before grabbing the butter and then the jam besides it. As the other girl entered the kitchen Ally paused mid stride, looking at the food in the her hands and then the concerned look on Rose's face. However she quickly continued with making her toast for it wasn't as if the lady was going to miss a bit of bread, she had all this food, this furniture and this house - what was a bit of toast to her. The sound of the toaster's release signalled the end of the cooking and she rushed over to retrieve them. She pulled back the lid of the butter and began to spread it on, glancing back at the cheerleader. "Want any toast?" she offered, although it wasn't exactly her food to offer. But all the same maybe someone else eating wouldn't make her feel as bad as helping herself. She was grateful for Dr Douglas kindness and wasn't about to refuse the statement of help yourself to the kitchen even if the others did. Ally hadn't had a meal all day so she thought a few pieces of toast was pretty small in comparison to what she would like to eat here.