So, I've got this great medieval idea in the works that's so great, it will doubtlessly take up days upon weeks upon months of time(including procrastination) so to wind up my RPing gears I was thinking why not just do a good old 'throw characters into a dormitory' setup? Now I don't know about all of you guys, but during my early days of evolving as a writer I would very frequently do RPs like that. A bunch of students going to a new school(often magical) or something just... typical. Like that. A setting that requires little effort and gives you a chance to create whatever backstory you prefer. I love using these types of RPs to develop new characters and simply to test character interaction. Its awkward, unwieldy, and difficult in that it gives the RPers a huge amount of freedom that is actually difficult to deal with. So, that said, would anyone be interested in joining me? I think the largest point of the exercise would be to develop characters and our own ability to write these characters realistically. Meaning no making them get along with someone just because its easier to write, no following an opinion just because it is the authors, and not even magically locating other characters to interact with at all times. Let me know. It'd also be cool to know some of you and have some personal experience RPing with you before I try making a more complicated concept into a rp. :3