Of course Takeshi knew that was still their friend, he wasn't completely clueless. Even so... Just looking at him, it was unnerving. It was terrifying plainly put, T'charrl had turned into a thing of nightmares for the Saiyan. The fact he'd turned on Shu too, however accidentally it may or may not have been worried him more. If he was willing to harm Shu then he was probably set to be gutted if he got close. To let this other kid be killed though, regardless of if he was sent by their father just couldn't stand. T'charrl would be depressed for doing it and probably Shu as well. With no small effort from Shu to push him on the older boy flew out, quickly putting himself between the Kaesstrian's intended target and the alien himself. Poised with a Ki blast ready to fire Takeshi held his ground, his body clamming up and shaking slightly now that he was this much closer. "S-Stay back T'charrl, I don't want to hurt you..." he warned, trying to sound threatening, and failing. "I will blast you if I have to, please don't make me." The loud snarl was a sign they were going to have to fight, he was sure of it. The fact Shu opted to intervene again then probably saved them from fighting it out right then and there. Seeing their friend calming down a little Takeshi allowed himself to drop his Ki attack, sighing softly and backing off a bit. The less he had to do with this the better. Glancing over his shoulder at the Saiyan he frowned, not at all feeling sympathetic for the kid despite him apparently having shat himself. Deciding dealing with him was a far easier thing to do Takeshi turned around and walked over to the boy, surprised he was maybe only Shu's age if not younger. Watching him crawl back to try and get away he reached down and grabbed the kid's shirt, picking him up by it and watching as he flailed. "Seriously... Father sent... This to attack us...?" he mumbled, narrowing his eyes at the kid. "This is just sad..." Hearing what was said about himself the boy stopped flailing about, turning to glare at Takeshi. "Hey! I'm strong, you know! I could beat you if I wanted to!" he snapped, groaning as he was abruptly dropped onto his backside. Scowling up at Takeshi the boy folded his arms over his chest, turning his head away stubbornly. "I could beat all of you... If that THING didn't appear." He didn't expect that, not at all. There had been no intel about a giant fly from hell lurking about on Earth, he probably would have really argued against this mission otherwise. Well, probably not, he couldn't have stopped. Though he definitely wouldn't have attacked the alien had he known. Watching the Prince turn away again the boy sighed, debating on if he should try leaving or not. Eh... Maybe a bad idea to run off, he didn't want that thing chasing him down.