Name: Cyndi Exo Age: 14 Gender: Female of course :D Abilities: Cyndi was born as a descendant of the old Weather God, Silap Inua, from this she has power from the Sun, Ice, Wind, and Lightning/Storms. Personality: Cyndi is generally a quieter girl, if anything she's a Introvert. She doesn't enjoy going up to people and starting conversations she'd rather you go up to Appearance: [img=] Backstory: Cyndi was born and raised in the City of Fey, for most of her early years she had no clue about her powers. When she turned the age of 12, she started spending more outside, spending time in rain and storms., and it was almost as if the storm was made to not hurt her.. She was never sunburned. Her parents would always yell at her to get inside and she would feel emotionally away from the storm itself. It was honestly really odd for her. One year later at the age of 13, in the winter Silap Inua was done with just watching her go through life. He made it snow at her house, and when it all melted some snow stayed that read her name, and then his. Cyndi delved into mythology, and his name popped up in Inuit Mythology, 'possessor of the spirit' It turns out, at that moment Silap Inua blessed Cyndi with his power over the Sun, Ice, Wind, and Storms.