T’charrl couldn’t understand Takeshi or see beyond the Ki blast he was holding onto, the brightness of the orb definitely a lot more distracting than Takeshi being the one at the helm of it. He wasn’t understanding Takeshi and seeing him as a threat was definitely the biggest concern and attacking him was an option, especially when the kid that tried to kill him was there. Rearing up to intimidate the little scared Saiyan, the sound of another quickly distracted him and he was forced to turn just incase it was another threat. Staring down at the tiny Saiyan was a definite improvement instead of attacking him. He recognised his name from those words and his eyes focused on Shu’s form. After a brief moment had passed, T’charrl let out a hiss and pulled back away from him, his back legs almost tripping over his own body in his frantic dash backwards. If there was one thing T’charrl didn’t want it was having his friends see the kind of monster he truly was inside, his lack of understanding towards what he had become having him create a great weight of stress upon himself. Standing as upright as he could, he looked down at himself before to Takeshi and the enemy Saiyan, snarling angrily as he crawled back towards the pair, “[i]T’ssshkara kana shkarr!![/i]” he vocalised, speaking in a language that wasn’t identifiable on the scouter, but whatever it was he sounded pretty angry while speaking it. Throwing down his claws to the side of Takeshi and the kid, leaning towards them with his claws raised, “[i]Khar kazz shierre!![/i]” Shu didn’t know how to help T’charrl, but he did know if he wasn’t completely freaking out about his size that it had happened before. This was most definitely the whole ‘monster’ thing he had continued to mention and feared for happening and his only wonder was how such a shift could happen. It was strange to see what was essentially a giant insect like this. T’charrl was recognising what had happened to him now, but instead of backing off he instead went towards Takeshi and the Saiyan again. He sounded pretty mad, but his immediate worry was Takeshi being pretty scared of bugs. Backing off a little, he wobbled on the ground a little bit as it shook under T’charrl’s steps before he tried to make a walk around towards the three, “No no! Please calm down…”