This was all just terribly confusing, and unsettling. T'charrl was in a pretty bad way right now, at least he seemed to recognize Shu though. Ridding himself of his Ki blast Takeshi took a second to see to the Saiyan, making it abundantly clear that he wasn't going anywhere, or doing anything. He more or less ignored the kid too when he began prattling on, mostly because of the big, scary bug crawling towards them. Seizing up again in fright Takeshi cringed, shirking back a bit when T'charrl got really close. From this he could get a really good look at the Kaesstrian, and holy crap he was freaky. That tongue was so unnatural, and the blood dripping from his jaws, and those claws... Eeeeh... Whatever T'charrl was saying he couldn't understand, probably even if they had their scouters on. It didn't sound like Kaesstrian, or maybe it was, he was a bit too frightened to be able to even tell. Having T'charrl looming over them it was all he could do not to move away, reflexively raising his arms to block any attacks their friend might make. "T-T'charrl, cut it out! This isn't funny!" "Y-Yeah, cut it out freak!" the Saiyan chimed in, cowering behind Takeshi. Right now all he wanted to do was crawl back to his ship and go home. Oh wait... His ship had been taken back already. So he had no way off of this planet, and was staring down the mother of all bed bugs right now, or whatever the hell this thing was. Seeing Shu once again come over to try and defuse the situation he frowned, wondering why they weren't just attacking the alien. He was obviously out of his mind, talking to him wasn't going to do them any good at this point. "Keep him away from me! I don't want to die!" He really wasn't cut out for this mission, he didn't know why the king thought he could fight both Princes to begin with. If he had caught them by surprise then maybe, not like this. "Leave me alone!"