Vesper peered at Iron-Clad for a moment after he introduced himself, her eyes bright and intrigued. Nyx shifted on her shoulder slightly, looking towards the tall man as well as he stood. [b]"'Tis a pleasure to meet you than, Iron-Clad. My name is Athena Cadence Vesper Thannel. But you can call me Vesper. And this is Nyx,"[/b] she pointed her chin in the owl's direction. She then looked towards the other female who had introduced herself as Jinx, noticing Jinx smiled at her. In response she smiled back a little, her thoughts wandering. By this time she wondered when she would learn more of the Guild and what it fully represented, as she had just been accepted into it the same day. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, Nyx following suit. Vesper smiled a little to herself as Nyx copied her movement. She had loved her since the day she received her, and grew to love her more every day. Sometimes she wondered if her and Nyx's souls were connected. Vesper then shook her head, realizing she hadn't been paying attention.