The whole city had started to come alive now Freyr's ears had become more adjusted to the more subtle nuances. Distant booms and a strange buzzing had woven themselves in with the inconsistent hums of their air conditioning and lighting. Both of which were struggling to remain active, with the latter flickering on and off periodically. She didn’t appreciate the soldier gag and bit her lip in dissatisfaction and her arms folded as Indy’s hand made its way around her waist. “Do we though? I don’t think the fridge works if it’s being turned off every thirty seconds.” Freyr pouted, releasing herself to peer closely through the glass again before turning for the kitchen. Crossing the space quickly she opened their Smeg integrated double fridge and looked inside. They’d done the weekly shop yesterday and did have a lot of food and bottled water, including the flavored Volvics she liked. Pushing her hand into it she grabbed a chicken she’d fancied for dinner that night Freyr tested the temperature. Cold for now. She couldn’t feel any breeze though. Closing the fridge door Freyr turned on their gas cooker, that came on with no problems. “It looks like it’s just the electrics for now” She guessed. “I’m going to cook the chicken. I think we ought to check the neighbours are okay.” Freyr said, pulling a baking tray out of a cupboard. As she said that there was a tremendous banging on the adjoining wall with their neighbour to the left, followed by what sounded like a metal baseball bat. Freyr jumped with fright but managed to prevent the chicken from crashing to the floor. She gave Indy a look which meant ‘fuck if i’m going, you sort it out’ along with a worried ruffle of her treacle blond hair. To distract herself Freyr set about assembling a quick roast chicken, using up some of the ingredients which were likely to expire the quickest. It almost made her laugh because it was so mundane. Georgia had gone to shit in six hours yet she was preparing a roast.