The leaping ten stories might still be OP, since that still gives him the same leg strength he had before and ridiculous kicking power, but I could see it being okay if he has to charge it like you do in the game. The same could also be done for his punching power. He could focus mass into an attack to increase the strength/hitting power, but afterward he'd have to adjust back to normal or the affected body part would be heavier and slower and likely throw him off his game. The longer the charge, the more mass you could focus there and the more powerful the blow would be, but it would also have more momentum and be harder to recover from if you missed. And three posts of physical activity is only around 15 seconds at most. Usually shorter, so that part was nerfed too much. You probably don't need to add his stamina as a factor, since both mine and LeeRoy's characters don't ever get tired and most of the others have various levels of superhuman stamina. Other than that, he looks good now.