Jinx smirked,"Iron-clad. Suits you!" She looked up at the man and took a step forward brushing some fingers against his arm,"Oculus must be proud to have you. Missions have been filling in quite rapidly, or so I hear from the barkeep. I assume you'll figure that out soon enough." She took a step, back her fingers lowering as she considered what she felt. The material was strong but it felt wrong somehow. She lowered her eyes, in thought only for a second before smiling again,"I should be running though. Business calls. I'm sure I will see you again Lugnuts..and you as well Vesper." She looked at the girl a second longer before walking off. Phantom said nothing to her about the girl so she figured, that she was harmless, to her guild. She walked quickly towards town passing a few legion soldiers yelling at one another about a fugitive. She shook her head, hoping that the poor bastard didn't get caught so easily. She headed towards the docks, fingering a group of sailors leering at her as they began to pull up fish nets. She shook her head moving towards the edge of town, where a large dilapidated cathedral poked out of a ghetto of brick crumbling houses, rotting garbage and the poverty ridden people of the small city. She headed into the church warily, shutting the door behind her to show a large room full of empty pews, richly stained glass and the images of the holy saints watching her with their forgiving eyes. She headed towards the organ, and began to play a few notes, before a statue of the mother, moved off the wall to show a dark hallway with a soft glow of light far off in the distance. Jinx moved forward, shutting the statue behind her as she moved down the hallway, her hands running over the stone and leftover skulls that adorned the church. As light began to refill her perspective, she headed into a side channel, towards her bosses office. She was almost at his door when a voice called out from behind her,"Your late, Haven." Jinx turned, to see a handsome man with soft brown hair, and thick horn-rimmed glasses,"He expected you an hour ago. That cuts into your wages." She clicked her tongue,"Really that's the first thing your going to say after last night. Huh Alex.." He looked down at his clipboard,"I think we both know what last night was, so let's not get into it.Besides you're...dead." Jinx took a step back into the dark, her expression turning cold,"I suppose you are right. I wouldn't want to waste my time talking about past mistakes. Besides you are one of the..living." She grabbed the door and opened it before he could speak again and turned to see a large bald headed man in a tuxedo. "Victor. Sorry I was delayed.." He barely looked up from his desk,"You're late Reaper.You know how I feel about tardiness!" She rubbed her neck and sauntered over to a chair, which she slumped into,"Yes I know.."