[quote=Schradinger] And with regards to power level, once a general one has been established by the other fighters, it's kind of rude (at the least) to come in with a significantly more powerful character that can bulldoze all the others without even breaking a sweat. He point of written arena combat isn't to show up with the biggest most badass powers, it's to out-write, out-wit, and out-fight your opponent. There'a no great victory in me crushing an ant under my boot, and frankly nobody cares that I did. The good fights are always the ones between equals. Or the ones where the underdog pulls off an amazing upset and beats the more powerful opponent (but there are limits to what a less powerful opponent can beat. Yuri Boyka will never beat Superman, for instance).All that said, you'll be added to the end of the posting order once Max checks in. [/quote] The best victories are those who fight with equality. I understand what you mean.