Cassandra had listened to the speech, had taken it to heart, and had gone to the classroom for the first lesson. She had slipped inside, and chosen a desk right at the back, in a corner. Evidently she couldn't be seen there, as first one student, and then another came in and sat down at the front. Cassandra studied them both, the girl seemed to be too happy and excited for her own good, and the boy...the boy wore a glove on his right hand. Cassandra always noticed things like that, because she wore one on her left. She didn't get a closer look, and didn't want to draw any attention to herself, but she couldn't see how she could get away with that throughout the whole lesson. So she sighed, picked up her backpack, and moved to join the two up the front, she sat down on too of the desk, on the other side of the boy, setting her backpack on her chair. "Either I'm good at blending into the background, or you two just aren't very observant. I'm Cassandra, but I'm happy being called Cassie" Cassandra's voice was at least welcoming, but there was a sadness to it, that never seemed to go away. She saw the girl, Kimiko, had her hand out in an offer of a hand shake, so Cassandra shrugged, and shook her hand.