[center][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/270/d/7/skyheld_phoenix_seal_by_koloszrodos-d6o40tb.png[/img][/center] [b][u]Organisation Name[/b][/u] The Red Phoenix, based on the human's mythology understanding of the Phoenix. [b][u]Organisation Leader and Co-Leaders[/b][/u] The leader of the Red Phoenix is Druslius Sulidonis, a Turian. [b][u]Important Figure[/b][/u] The important figure, that make up The Red Phoenix are: Khunar Strurm, a Krogan. [b][u]Organisation Specialisation[/b][/u] Druslius likes to focus on the mercenary contacts, because they can make some serious money and they can help gain power and influence from The Red Phoenix. Strurm, controls the drug cartel, and will take control of the Red Phoenix when Druslius dies. [b][u]Organisation Type[/b][/u] The Red Phoenix is a mercenary company and a drug cartel. It is mostly a mercenary company, accepting contacts that has the highest bid, assassinating important people, protecting important people, and many other things that a mercenary company does. Yet, there is some drugs to be sell as well, selling red sand, eximo, hallex, and many other popular drugs. [b][u]Organisation Income Source[/b][/u] Most of the Red Phoenix's income comes for the mercenary company and drug cartel part of the organisation. Yet some come from the following things: bars, businesses, districts, nightclubs, and their bases. Most of their income comes for Omega, due to their main base being so close to it and that they can keep in check their sources of income within Omega. In Omega alone, there is six bars, three nightclubs, five districts, twenty businesses, and seven drug labs (which is all of their drug labs); while in the Citadel, there is two bars, one nightclub, and eight businesses. And in Nos Astra, The Red Phoenix controls four bars, two nightclubs, three districts, and ten businesses. [b][u]Legality[/b][/u] The council would consider The Red Phoenix to be both a legal and illegal operation, because of the drug cartel. But they aren't ban for Citadel Space, because of the mercenary company (which is legal to run). [b][u]Organisation Base[/b][/u] The Red Phoenix's primary headquarters is located at one of the busiest districts in Omega. The base is just mainly a couple of houses, mash-up together and given the feel of a gang base. There is communication between individual ships and crew members within the gang's main base, where they keep tabs with each member of The Red Phoenix. And next to the base, is a space hangar, where only small ships (transports, fighters, etc.) can enter and get repair, that's if they're in The Red Phoenix. The base can be use as a pit stop or a safe house, if they're trouble with the law. [b][u]Organisation Assets[/b][/u] In Omega, there is six bars, three nightclubs, five districts, twenty businesses, and seven drug labs (which is all of their drug labs); while in the Citadel, there is two bars, one nightclub, one district, and eight businesses. And in Nos Astra, The Red Phoenix controls four bars, two nightclubs, three districts, and ten businesses. The Red Phoenix has a total of seventy-one starships: twenty fighters for various manufacturing origins (Humans), eighteen shuttles (Humans), two large freighters (Turians), five small freighters (Asari), three middle freighters (Asari), twenty interceptors (Turian, Asari, and, Salarian) and three frigates (Turian). They own three independent fueling stations (in the Omega Nebula, the Eagle Nebula, and the Maroon Sea). The current numbers of members within the are mercenary company are in the eighteen hundreds. Most are soldiers, but some are snipers and biotics, and to make such that boitics are useful during a firefight, they're given red sand (that's if they need it). The Red Phoenix has insider contacts with several larger corporations, including several weapons manufacturers, amour manufacturers, and defense contracters. They also have a relatively robust client base that continues to grow each day with each contact completed and finished. They also own a safehouse within Nos Astra, as in case of any gang members, that capture the main base. But for now, it's used as a hideout for the law in Nos Astra and pit stop for any gang members that just done a mission or are doing one. The safehouse is just a penthouse on the top floor of a luxurious hotel with a land pad for shuttles. [b][u]Organisation Relations[/b][/u] What are your relations with the other player Organisations? This should be discussed with the player who the Organisation belongs to, and can be anything from working partnership to worst enemies or somewhere in between. Perhaps you don’t even know their name. [b][u]Organisation History[/b][/u] The Red Phoenix was founded and is currently lead by Druslius Sulidonis, a retired Turian NCO of the Turian Military. He founded The Red Phoenix after he was retired for the Military and moved to Omega with his newly organization. He set up his organization within a district on a house, which would still be his base to this day, and started out as a mercenary company. He accepted contacts, which were in the best interest for his organization, and at first did it his self until he met Khunar Strurm, a korgan that was in the Blood Pack until he left them for something more excitedly for him. When Strurm found out about The Red Phoenix, he decided to join and wanted to meet with the leader. He walked into the base and saw the Turian, at first he wanted to leave, but something held him. It‘s unknown why he stayed, but he did; even Druslius doesn't know why he stayed to this day. He and Strurm went all over Omega in hopes of people, joining their organization. But, only a hand full of Korgans and Turians joined the organization, due to Strurm's shotgun at their faces; most were found dead, some joined the organization. Yet, Druslius wouldn’t give up and gave the contacts to his new members to do in hopes of generate credits. It was a some what succeeds, it was not enough credits, but it did help buy their first bar on Omega. Then during one of Druslius' contacts, he was going to have to kill a member of The Blood Pack. It was a big risk, but he took it, because of the credits. He had his sniper with his as he saw the Turian and aimed it at his head and pull the trigger as he saw the guy's head, being hit by the bullet, with a big hole on its side. He was dead and Druslius got the credits for the kill, he through that it was just a job, but it went in a different direction. The following next day, he got a message for an unknown source that said The Blood Pack declared war on The Red Phoenix. They must of find out that he fired the gun as there were people that saw him, firing his sniper. It was him, Strurm, and the other members verse the Blood Pack; even Druslius through that it was a such death sentence for him organization. But, they won the war between the Blood Pack, somehow. Some could say that the Red Phoenix won due to the fact, that the Blood Pack attacked their main stronghold, or others could say it was due to Druslius and Strurm, working as a team. But, they beat the Blood Pack back, yet they could attack the Red Phoenix again soon. After the war was over, people began to join the Red Phoenix; due to the fact, that have beaten the Blood Pack. Even Aria was impressed by the Red Phoenix’s actions, but forgot about them (after all she is Aria). Floors of members meant that they were making more credits than they ever did before. It was enough credits to buy him his first bar, and it caused Druslius to buy nightclubs, businesses, more bars, and even some starships. But, everything costs credits, and they were running low on it; due to, other organizations grabbing the good ones. Then Strurm got a good idea, join the drug business and make tons of credits. At first, Druslius decline the idea; after all he was in the Turian Military. But, once more contacts were taken, he agreed and allowed Strurm to make some drugs. After the first drugs were sold and Druslius saw the results of it, he let Strurm control it (after all Druslius still owned him for the war with the Blood Pack). --- [b]Druslius Sulidonis' Data[/b] [center][img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/f147718885209c6972769b0e3379f5c4/tumblr_mzwja5mbvJ1tpy30do1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Name[/b][/u] Druslius Sulidonis. [b][u]Race[/b][/u] Turian. [b][u]Gender[/b][/u] Male. [b][u]Age[/b][/u] Forty-five years old. [b][u]Position[/b][/u] Leader of the Red Phoenix. [b][u]Background[/b][/u] Being born to a military family is always hard, because the father is out in the military while the mother takes cares of her children. That’s what Druslius learned when he was born into one; his father was focused on getting his boys onto the military, while his mother cared for them when they needed something. In his childhood, he was learned about the Turian military and their actions during the Krogan Rebellion and how it was ‘the best thing that happened to the Turian military’. Either known it stabled the Krogans forever, Druslius hated most things about the Turian military’s history. Yet, he still had to joined when he reached eighteen (it was a requirement for any Turian to join the military no matter what). He began training as a sniper, which impressed most Turians that were already in the military. He trained for six years, learning everything from aiming a gun to finding the best cover to go to. Druslius also studied the Turian, Asari, and Krogan military as he wanted to reach the rank of NCO. He through that he would of just study and training most of his life until the Relay 314 Incident happened. At first, Druslius didn’t know what was going, other than that the Turian Military attacked someone for trying to reactivate an inactive mass relay, called Relay 314. He was ready to put his sniping skills and training to the test, but then a month later, peace happened between the both sides by the Council. He then learned what really happened and who the others were, which they were called Humans. Druslius did some digging into their history, and he fell in love with their history. From the Ancient Times to the Modern Era, he realized that humanity had something similar to the Turians: they never give up. A great example would be, the Human’s Second World War, when a powerful focus would destroy their world, they never gave up and they soon won. He kept studying human history and the other race’s histories until he was a NCO. At the age of forty-two, he retired for the Turian Military as a NCO, after his mother and father had died. He wasn't using his skills anymore and couldn't stand living in his homeworld anymore. He got on the next shutter to Omega and declared that this was going to be his new home. He didn't have any credits on him and needed food and a place to stay, so he looked around for anyone that needs help. Druslius got his first contact for an other Turian and got forty credits out of contact. It was just a similar assassination contact, where he used a pistol provided by the Turian and shot the back of his head. It messy and poorly done, but he didn't got caught nor died and got credits out of it. It was enough for a place to stay for a week and food to last him a few days. He then came up with the idea, that if he was going to survive in Omega, he even join a merc group or make his own. Druslius decided that he must make his own, set his own rules and not follow the other merc groups; It was the dawn of the Red Phoenix. [b][u]Positive Traits[/b][/u] He pros are: Charismatic, experience in strategy, like things calm, clever, natural leader, good at using a sniper rifle, and friendly. [b][u]Negative Traits[/b][/u] His flaws are: Shuts down when things are in chaos, rude, arrogant, questions about loyalty in his men, sucks at using anything else but a sniper rifle, and greedy. --- [b]Khunar Strurm's Data[/b] [center][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/358/6/6/krogan_by_shuraleva-d5p1mr5.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Name[/b][/u] Khunar Strurm. [b][u]Race[/b][/u] Krogan. [b][u]Gender[/b][/u] Male. [b][u]Age[/b][/u] Four hundred fifty. [b][u]Position[/b][/u] Co-Leader of the Red Phoenix. [b][u]Background[/b][/u] His background is unknown to everyone and he would like to keep it like that. [b][u]Positive Traits[/b][/u] His pros are: Strong, great at using his shotgun, ruthless, can use his fists to get people talking, can make drugs (that are good), and headbutts hard enough to kill someone. [b][u]Negative Traits[/b][/u] His flaws are: Rude, cocky, questions things later or forgets about the questions, naive, gets mad easily, and lazy.