[hider=PSA]Heh, not to split hairs about this or anything, or to point fingers, but please know that if you portray Aupa as a religious nut (if your character is imagining it, that's fine), going on rants about the whims and fancies of Cynid, I will gloss over it. The way I see it (and the way I'd written it in my character sheet, I think), she's actually got a certain contempt for the organized religions of the Weeping World, and the inward exclamations "God(s) deliver me" or "God(s) come to my aid" are merely used for emphasis, much as we here use "Oh my God". If scared or despairing, she [i]will[/i] address a God personally, namely Icthus or, indeed, Cynid. I do nothing to deny that as it's a part of her character, but it's more a force of habit adopted from her religiously invested mother than anything else. Thank you for understanding. ^^"[/hider]