As she was walking, Moe noticed the sound of what she thought to be a giant bee. When the girl looked up, however, something mechanical looking whizzed by overhead. A man in a long coat looking injured was dangling from it, and the both of them were headed to the outskirts of town. Curiosity got the better of Moe, and she ducked into an alley, using portals to go from alleyway to alleyway, checking to see if the coat was clear before she moved out. She knew she could move faster if she didn't have to hide, but her method was faster than walking, or even running. Once she reached the outskirts, she used one last portal to move behind the closest building, using a tiny portal on the other side of the brick building as a peephole, leaning against the wall and looking through. It seemed as if a new, if poorly made iron man was back, and had brought a helmet wearing, scythe weilding friend. Furrowing her brow in confusion, she brushed the image of bricks from her mind, breifly recognising it as a result of leaning against the wall. Her mind went back to the supposed supers she was spying on. 'Whats with these guys? They planning to team up and fight, like the heros of old? Tin man there looks like he needs an upgrade, but I'll bet he can still hold his own in a fight. And that other guy's bleeding real bad. Probably a fellow mutant. Regeneration, like wolverine.' She thought to herself, stretching before returning to her portal peephole.