Enalais, while I hate to be imposing restriction on budding sheets so early, I have to mention this particular one before you get too much further. Spectres are a no go area. Not even the most silver tongued reasoning will convince me otherwise. There will only be one Spectre in this RP, and he is controlled by me, used for the express purpose of enforcing the rules outlaid in the OP, as well as other hand-of-god GM actions (of which I hope there will be few). Being an ex-spectre does not excuse the character from this rule. Such is virtually unheard of. If you're looking for an ex-military spec-ops background, I suggest one of the Turian elite or covert ops forces like the Armiger Legion or the Blackwatch, though if you find another you prefer that'd be fine too. Just no Spectres. I feel I should add though that this is by no means me saying no to the sheet. Aside from the Spectre thing, I think the sheet shows promise and look forward to seeing it expanded on.