"W-What...? I don't know what you're saying..." Whatever language T'charrl was speaking it was well beyond Takeshi. If he could get his scouter he might be able to find out, but that was all the way in his house. Judging by their friend's less than stellar mood he probably wasn't going to just slip by, not that he could even really get himself to move. While this Saiyan really didn't matter to him he couldn't let the kid die. He supposed there was a slight thing with the other boy's age too, being pretty much Shu's age if not younger. Killing older men was one thing, but someone who was basically a peer just felt... Horribly wrong. Especially someone who was the same age of his sibling. Gritting his teeth as T'charrl snarled at them Takeshi glared back, still very unnerved but not moving. "I realize that Shu, thanks!" Like he had to be told things were going badly, he had the bad glaring at him right now after all. Looking back up at the Kaesstrian he swallowed uneasily, shifting his weight on his feet. "You have to relax T'charrl! You c-can't do this!" Ugh, he felt like such a moron right now, trying to defend some Saiyan and acting like a frightened child all the while. Swallowing nervously Takeshi looked back at the kid, backing up further before staring up at his friend. "You're supposed to be a Prince, so... Act like one! You have to be stronger than this thing! Your mother wouldn't want you being this... Thing... So s-stop!" What else could he really say to stop T'charrl? He was at his wits end, he almost thought he might have to knock out T'charrl just to save him from himself. A sudden burst of wind rushed by him, and it took Takeshi a second to register that anything had happened. When he finally realized something had happened he was too late to act, and when he found the kid holding Shu he forgot his fear, instead getting angry. "You little... Let him go, now!" Options had pretty much run dry by this point, he had to find a way to get out of here. First things first, he needed to get away from the alien, never mind getting off the planet. Taking the chance for his move the Saiyan dashed past Takeshi, going directly to Shu. Grabbing one of his arms he wrenched it behind his back, pulling him away. Digging into a pouch on his hip he pulled out a combat knife, holding it near the young boy's throat nervously. "You two... S-Stay back or I'll kill him, I swear!" he stammered, looking rather frightened. "N-Now... Make him stop! I'm not fighting that... That thing!"