Just who was Takeshi to stand in the way and protecting this Saiyan from his punishment, the kid hardly in a position to cower behind Takeshi like this. T’charrl was the one who was large and in charge and these Saiyans all seemed to stick together even when one or the other tried to kill someone they should had considered a friend. It made T’charrl angry and vengeance was strong in his mindset, keeping a solid foundation when the kid had tried to kill him. Hissing and snarling at Takeshi, he tried to make him move through intimidation tactics but Takeshi was staying there solid and unmoving looking pretty ready to attack him if he got any closer. Compared to this kid, Takeshi was a powerhouse, he could feel it from his energy; however, it still didn’t mean T’charrl wasn’t going to stand solid for what he believed to be injustice and that justice could only be served if he could tear the Saiyan’s guts out. There were great misunderstandings between the pair, T’charrl staring down at Takeshi and Takeshi trying to stop a killing. It was hard to understand and trying to talk as best as he could just wasn’t working for T’charrl, his instincts controlling his emotions as he stared down at Takeshi. Hissing lowly as Takeshi spoke, he stared at him before slowly tilting his head as if trying to come to an understanding. Frowning slightly, he slowly shifted his claws as he stared at Takeshi’s eyes before something immediately distracted him, his head shifting immediately towards Shu, seeing the Saiyan holding the little kid with a weapon close to his throat. T’charrl immediately spun towards him, rising up in anger at what he was seeing. Shu barely had time to register what had happened by the time the guy raced around and snatched his arm. Gasping in fright, he almost had the chance to wrestle away from him before a knife was forced up against his throat. Suddenly feeling terrified, he tried to swallow that up and keep calm, “I-I’m not scared! I’m not scared!” he spoke quickly, his tail curling up around himself, “T-Takeshi! I don’t want bad things happening!” He didn’t want to get too scared or angry at what was happening, he knew what happened when he did and Takeshi didn’t need to deal with him along beside T’charrl. It was dangerous to move and if he did go mini-Oozaru there was the risk of being sliced open anyway in the Saiyan’s haste.