A lot of good trying to be merciful had done them! Right now Takeshi was really regretting trying to protect this kid, now T'charrl wasn't the only one that wanted to knock him around. The squirt was a coward, using Shu like that to try and get himself out. Gritting his teeth furiously he moved to raise a hand and just blast the kid away, scowling when his younger brother was instantly moved into the path of it. "You fricken coward, this is what I get for trying to help?!" he shouted, glaring at the other boy. Looking at Shu rather concerned he shook his head, not knowing what to do here. "Nothing bad is going to happen Shu, I promise! I'll keep you safe!" He would, he had to. He hadn't wanted to see this boy killed before, but if someone was willing to slice Shu's throat just to save their own skin then they weren't worth sparing. Balling his hands into fists out of frustration Takeshi glared at his sibling's captor, taking a step forward and instantly stopping when the knife was raised. "If you hurt him... I swear, you won't take even one step before I blow you away..." Not good, Takeshi was completely livid now, and seconds ago he'd probably been his best bet on getting away. If he did manage to kill Shu here and now there was no way he'd escape the other two, he was as good as dead. In his panic, he'd realized, he hadn't done himself any favors, only seal his fate. Petrified with fear on the spot his hand began to shake, lowering so the blade was now a few good centimeters away from Shu's throat. Sniffling pitifully tears began to roll down his face, the boy shaking his head in frustration. "I d-didn't want to be here! I was made to c-come here, I had to do it!" he whined, his grip slowly loosening on Shu's arm. "The k-king made me stay here after the raid! I wanted to go h-home but I c-c-couldn't! And now I'm going to d-die!" In a sort of sorry resignation he pushed Shu at Takeshi, gripping the knife with both hands and holding it out in front of himself in a sorry defensive stance. Sniffling again he took a small step back, his eyes going between the other three nervously. "I-I'm not going to roll over a-and die though! I'm a Saiyan, I-I'll fight!"