T’charrl felt confused and lost upon seeing Shu in such a tight situation, struggling to contain himself now that his friend was being threatened with possible immediate death. He could understand that if he got close the Saiyan could possibly pull the knife on Shu and kill him pretty quickly, but why he would do that he didn’t know. Shu hadn’t done anything to the kid and now he was being threatened in a life and death situation. All this had started because he had failed to fight back against the Saiyan properly because he was so out of focus, now he was just a giant terrifying monster. Struggling to find his place and his right mind-set to cope with this predicament, he pulled back slightly and clawed at his face in frustration, not causing damage to it but the earth was taking a hit as his other set of claws drove the soil up. Shu was in a panic, trying to keep his cool as much as possible. He didn’t know why he had been the target after Takeshi had tried to help him, but here he was put under pressure with a knife resting close to his throat. Trying to keep it together for his and the Saiyan’s own good, he yelped when he was used as a shield against any possible attack towards the Saiyan from Takeshi, his eyes quickly shutting in fear. He didn’t care if the aggressor was bubbling away in self-pity, his own safety was greatly compromised and he couldn’t do anything about it. Upon having to listen to the Saiyan make his defence over his actions, he continued to shake in fear before realising the guy loosened his grip and soon tossed him to Takeshi, stumbling before he quickly spun around. Feeling his heart racing, Shu placed his hands to his chest and shifted his feet as the Saiyan simply made another proclamation to fight against them, expecting them to kill him instead. The only one that might try to kill him was T’charrl, possibly even Takeshi if he was threatened again. Trying to pull down his increasing anxiety, he rose up his fists and held them close to his chest, “Y-You tried to hurt my friend! You upset him and made him big! F-Father would never…n-never ever want me or Takeshi dead, but you nearly made me dead!” Shu was quickly losing his cool after the events, finding it hard to not get angry when the Saiyan was trying to make them pity him, “Look what you did to him!! He’s always kind a-and shy…h-he was probably finding it real hard keeping that away ever since he changed! Now he-…n-now y-you-…!!” Shu was beginning to twitch, his hair standing on end momentarily as his irises went from green to red in a few flashes. Letting out a few wheezy gasps, he fanned himself momentarily as now he was struggling to find control over his anger and fear, the constant sight of the blade not helping as fangs threatened to show themselves.