What was going to have to be done to get Shu safe? Blow the kid to smithereens? Try and get him free with the knife so close? So many things could happen and Takeshi was hesitant to do anything despite his normally rash behavior. By some random good grace his brother was spared being cut open like a common animal, being pushed away as the Saiyan began to throw a fit. Catching his sibling protectively the older boy listened to the kid's cries, barely moved by them. He knew his father was a pretty heartless guy so that story didn't sound too far off. But that didn't excuse the kid from taking his brother hostage, or attacking T'charrl. If he had been left behind then he could have just been on his merry way elsewhere, he didn't have to do this. Feeling Shu shaking in fear only further served to anger him, and he was very tempted to attack the kid himself then and there. Priority rather quickly shifted, however, when his brother began to have an "episode". The first sign things were going to go horribly wrong was the strain and malice that came out of Shu's tone. His normally light, playful voice sounded distorted and furious, an immediate indication of danger. When his hair began to bristle and he shook in Takeshi's grasp he knew exactly what was happening, and dreaded it. With T'charrl already changed and Shu potentially going to they were going to be in a lot of trouble if this happened. Ignoring their problem for the time being the older boy focused on his brother instead, desperate to calm him down. Hugging Shu against himself Takeshi closed his eyes, patting Shu's shoulder as he desperately tried to think of what to do. "Relax Shu, relax. He's not going to hurt our friend or you anymore, I promise. Just relax..." he said hopefully, praying he might stifle his sibling's rising ferocity. "I'm here, I'll protect you. Just calm down." Looking up at the Saiyan finally he had made a decision, one he would probably regret later. This kid was dead if he hung around any longer, he had to leave. "Run!" Now what was happening? First the alien transformed and now it looked like Shu was going to as well! He knew about the kid's other form, his strange Oozaru transformation. Even if it was a regular Oozaru it was still way too much for him to handle, let alone the Prince's berserk version. If he wasn't completely outmatched before then he was definitely now. Trembling frightfully in his spot the Saiyan barely acknowledge when he was spoken to, his eyes timidly shifting to Takeshi. He could hear and understand the order just fine, but his body refused to follow. Or rather it couldn't, he felt like he was frozen in place. Maybe it was better if he just killed himself there and then, spare himself the pain of being mauled or even eaten. Looking down at the knife nervously he only thought it over for a split second before slowly raising it up, lifting his head as he did so. Closing his eyes as he pointed the blade at his neck he tried to stab himself, only to instead suddenly feel a force hit him. "No!" Calming Shu was very important, but they couldn't just stand by and watch another kid kill himself. As soon as he noticed the Saiyan's intent Takeshi released Shu, rushing to grab the blade. Yanking it free he threw it to the side, shoulder the boy to the ground and near knocking him out from the impact. For his own good he then knelt down, flipping him onto his stomach and yanking an arm behind his back to restrain him, holding his opposite shoulder down with his free hand. The kid hardly budged against him, though there were some faint sobs and new tears streaming down his cheeks. Glancing up at T'charrl and Shu carefully Takeshi shook his head, trying to convey what he wanted to be said. This brat wasn't anyone worth fighting, as much of a pain as he might be. They weren't going to kill him, it would cause too much grief for them later on, so they had to settle down and think this through.