Nope, instead of constant strength it comes in bursts. She can do a single jump, leap, sprinting start, a punch or a kick with a single dose, since it only lasts for a mere second or two. It also doesn't make her body stronger, so if she does jump 20 ft high or kicks a wall with superior speed, her bones will still break from impact when she drops to the ground, or her leg hits that wall. It also causes her 'human' brains confuse a little sub conciously from the fact her body and mind are contradicting each other of what she can do, what causes her mental downgrade during each time it is used. It can be used in constantly, but again, it will turn her mad. And 'poisonous to normal human' would be more accurate. Since she was along with it from the day she was put into womb, she has grown that immunity system enough to keep her alive. However, you think that the blood would end up inside someone elses body, it would hit like a high speed truck, a caffeine overdose that normal human body is not made to handle. I hope that clears things up.