[b]Currently getting organized and approving the first wave of biographies before opening the IC. Any bios posted in the interest check must be posted again, even if I approved them.[/b] [center][b][u]Deity Kingdoms[/b][/u] [img]http://puu.sh/af994/d955c9b215.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Interest Check: [/b] http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47476/posts/ooc?page=1 [b]In Character: [/b] [b]Basic Information[/b] A mostly free RP with plot inserted, Deity Kingdoms places you in charge of your own mythology. Gods, cities and men are all important in this RP. As you and your fellow RPs develop your city-state kingdom, events will occur to help things along. The plot, for now, consists of a large overseas empire trying to conquer the island the RP is based in. Attacks will have some time in between, making an alliance only necessary during the invasion and not the times between. Faith is an important role in developing your mythology, and will be used to develop your city, population, and deities. [b]Rules & Expectations[/b] ---You will be in charge of the humans in your nation/city-state and can control them at will [u]only if your Pantheon is the only one affected by the events.[/u] The Pantheon Leader has the final say in any conflicts of interest. Otherwise, come up with an agreement OOC before posting something important IC. (Ex: A battle between two armies or a political marriage.) If an agreement can’t be reached, a GM will control one or both human parties. This, for the most part, excludes specifically made player-made characters. ---A defeated god will almost ALWAYS get to choose what happens to them. (Banishment, Reincarnation, or joining the winner’s Pantheon.) No, you can’t abuse this to keep attacking after you’ve lost. ---Pantheon heads distribute Faith to all those in it. OOC contracts can be established between players that can only be broken through IC actions. (Ex: A deity doing something the leader doesn’t like will allow him to lower the Faith distributed.) ---There will probably be conflicts, so if you feel you always have to win or your Pantheon is too awesome to lose, well you should stay in your own city. If you lose your city, you can claim a new one and work to retake your old one. If you feel your god should die in the situation, you keep 90% of the favor you spent on him. [b]The Members[/b] Usernames [b]Faith[/b] Faith is the main stat for your deities and cities, and can sometimes be used for specific items or events. There are multiple ways to gain faith, including a weekly income, waging warfare, or doing expeditions. The first page of the OOC will keep track of where each Pantheon’s faith is invested. The more Faith a city has invested, the more advanced things such as its temples, technology, and fields are. The more Faith a God has invested in them, the stronger they and their abilities become. Faith has DECREASING returns for gods, meaning one with 1500 faith invested and one with 1600 faith has minimal difference. Once the RP is under a way, there will be a list of how much Faith is invested where. Faith will always be rounded up to the 10s place. [b]Weekly Faith Income[/b] Every Friday, all Pantheons will get 300 faith, plus 200 for every user in it, as long as they have posted at least once. (Totals to 500 if you’re alone.) In addition, Pantheons will gain 1% of the Faith invested in their city, always rounded up to the 10s place. (2->10; 12->20) [b]Warfare[/b] All gods are stronger in their own city-states. This boost increases with decreasing returns with more faith invested in the city. If you plan on attacking another city, it should be coordinated with the player you’re attacking. Both armies and gods are important forces. If a god loses, their army will retreat or surrender. If an army takes a city, the invading gods will receive the city’s boost. All factions will receive an equal Faith Bonus for fighting, and if a native force is forced out their Pantheon head will steal half of that week’s favor income from the city. [b]Expeditions [/b] Warfare against uncontrolled areas. Essentially you post raiding, mining, or quest storylines, and will be rewarded (assuming you didn’t half-ass it.) Each post will give 100 favor. If you post consecutively (double-post, etc.) or post poorly, it will remove 100 favor from the Expedition total (Never goes below 0.) Although expeditions are here to encourage making your own storylines, others will also receive Faith rewards for joining in. Rewards half after every 4 posts (400->450; 600->630) and half again for every expedition prior to the current within the week. (Resets after Faith Income.) [b]Character Sheet[/b] For those who posted a bio in the interest check, please pay attention to any changes. All Pantheon heads start with 1500 Faith to distribute to their deity members as well as their city. This can be done after you make the bio or after IC starts. [b]Name:[/b] Name of the god [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Pantheon:[/b] What the Pantheon is called [b]Pantheon Head:[/b] The head of the Pantheon you chose. You don't need permission to join another person's but... they'll be in charge of your faith so... [b]Nation:[/b] What your nation is called. Will primairily be based on one city unless you take over another. [b]City Location: [/b] Chosen by the Pantheon Head. The location your city is in, ranging from A1 to J10. The island is a general circle with ocean/sea at the outermost edges (*1, *10, A*, J*) [b]City Landscape:[/b] Chosen by the Pantheon Head. The layout of your city. Is it in forest land? Surrounded by mountains? Does it have a river? [b]Personality:[/b] Not much needed. [b]Legend:[/b] The story of your god. Does NOT HAVE TO BE TRUE. Were you born from a volcano? From a lightning bolt? [b]Title:[/b] God of the Sun, God of Warfare, God of the Apocalyptic Zombie Invasion [b]Entitled Powers:[/b] Any powers gifted naturally. Needs some sort of connection to godhood or your Title. [b]Gained Powers:[/b] Any powers or special items you gain in the course of the RP. [b]Misc:[/b] Anything else you want us to know.