Reserved. Once everything is organized, this post will hold information such as Faith standings and the Grid, as well as any events. The first post will have basic information about the RP itself. Go ahead and start submitting your bios. [b]Pantheon heads start with 1500 Faith to spend[/b] Remember, your god should not be as powerful as you want them to be. Growth is a thing. Don't forget Faith is used to invest with both Gods and Cities. So unless you want to rule over a bunch of hunter and gatherers with no housing or even language, put some Faith into your city-state. [b]Grid Map & City Landscapes[/b] [hider=Map][img][/img][/hider] [hider=City Landscapes][b]A1: City of Lordagh[/b] --- Home to the Dragon High Lords, Sarakahn rules this city. Neighboring high mountains with abundant deposits of gold, and iron, a neighboring forest with a sea of trees and medicinally strong herbs, which is separated with a long river from West to East, a fertile landscape of arable grassland to the west, and to the south, there is a great sea filled with fish, crab, and possibly pearls. It's a wonderland for raising crops and pastures. [b]B3: City of Neckian[/b] --- Home to the Nekianan Pantheon, Ieyar rules this city. The surroundings have many fields, ponds, and streams. Along with a few sparse forests, this makes the land ideal for the many gods that roam it. A wide ecosystem populates the area, ensuring its inhabitants always have fresh meat and medicinal herbs. [b]B7: City of Scanvallia[/b] --- Home of the King of Nature, Jonathan. It's a land that is just as beautiful as it is confusing. It's heavily wooded area with trees that go up to the clouds and valleys that go down beyond sight. It doesn't have many shrubs or hills it very flat other than the deep valleys. The trees there are hundreds of years old and have a natural beauty to them. People come from all around to see the beautiful forest and the even more beautiful city in the middle of it. Half suspended in the canopy of the trees, it also reaches all the way down into the deep dark valleys. It is very easy to get lost in Scanvalia which makes it a natural defense. [b]E5: City of Arelia[/b] --- Home of the god Maraketh and his pantheon. The land of Arelia lays in a valley rife with natural resources. To the east is a lush forest, to the west a mountain, to the north a lake and to the south fertile lands. It is the ideal place to start building a shining city. [b]G4: City of Dzjessok[/b] --- Home of the Sipenye Pantheon, Petrye rules this city. The City is based off the Dominions of Petrye. It is beautiful, yet deadly, with vines of toxic plants growing about, crumbling remains of destroyed buildings surrounding the well maintained intercity. The city looks as if it were ruins reclaimed, much like the goddess retaking her place among the dead. [b]I7: City of Dearoth[/b] --- Home of the Hurrian relics[hider=Description] Dearoth sits in a pleasant landscape. The city itself has expanded much and there are many smaller villages and townships that swear fealty and gain protection from Dearoth. The landscape itself has is a paradise of rolling green hills and lush fertile farmland. There is a great lake to the west that is home to a fleet of fishing craft. There are forests near Dearothian territory but none in the immediate vicinity around the city itself. To the north sits a single colossal mountain. The area around the mountain has proven rich with Resources like Copper and silver and tin and limited but workable amounts of coal. And plenty of quarries for stone. The silver comprises the vast majority of coinage within Dearoth. While the copper and tin give the City the means to produce vast amounts of bronze. Their reliance on this metal because of it's abundance means they have by necessity found ways to temper and treat the Bronze to bring just that much more strength to the metal. Though expeditions and scouting have revealed that new metals may lay within the mountain itself. These less valuable metals may put Dearoth at a bit of a disadvantage in comparison to come cities but the will and pride of the people more than make up for it. To the south and east lay the vast arboreal landscapes. Dearoth has done as much as it can to take as little wood as possible. This may have led them to not having quite the reserve store of wood they may truly want. And ample Game But because of their decision there is more than enough lumber for them to take if emergency situations demanded it. Though talk of new lumber camps being constructed are on serious debate after this latest invasion from the mysterious Empire from across the ocean. They were defeated once but they would return stronger, They always did. And the extra lumber might just prove to be a necessary evil. [/hider] [b]City Faith[/b] A1 Lordagh: 500 B3 Neckian: 150 B7 Scanvallia: 1000 E5 Arelia: 1000 G4 Dzjessok: --- I7 Dearoth: 800 [b]Pantheon Faith[/b] [hider=The Dragon High Lords = 1000] Sarakhan: 200 Tyranus: 200 Nashuumal: 200 Dakkoar: 200 Torrath: 200 [/hider] [hider=The Neckianan Pantheon = 1350] Ieyar: 350 Cymus: 350 Olivian: 100 Ophy: 100 Ne-Mict: 100 Wishgic: 100 Evdite: 25 Martum: 25 Jorortis: 25 Maritae: 25 Tripada: 25 Obamia: 25 Chewy: 25 Nikomedes: 25 Titanioa: 25 Servduilius: 25 [/hider] [hider=The Pantheon of Jonathon = 500]Jonathan: 500 [/hider] [hider=The Maraketh Pantheon = 1000] Maraketh: 1000 [/hider] [hider=The Hurrian Relics = 700] Armor of Hurrian: 175 Spear of Hurrian: 175 Shield of Hurrian: 175 Helmet of Hurrian: 175[/hider]