David laughed at the comment that Mikael would rather have him drink the bag than his own blood. It'd been years since he last fed on a human. David reckoned that it could've even been decades. At any rate he couldn't remember and it mattered little. As long as there were blood banks the Vampire would never have to feed on a human again and he was glad of it. "Ah, so it was a family thing eh? Gotcha." David replied with some understanding. As Mikael probably imagined, David picked up on the lack of detail and out of respect asked no further questions. They both had their stories it seemed. "Maybe some other time we can swap stories again over a beer and some smokes eh?" he asked as he pat Mikael on the shoulder. They both noticed the female, evidently, as Mikael was also turned in that direction. The girl exchanged some words with Carson. Boy, she was a looker alright. Real easy on the eyes. The eyes.. she was a Vampire like himself. David scratched his chin and nodded at Mikael. "Yea, she sure does. She's a Vampire too." he pointed with two fingers at his own eyes. "You can tell by the eyes, for future reference." Mikael was the first to step off and David followed close behind.